Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Technology: ERP

Openbravo are open systems of ERP and POS for small and medium business. Openbravo includes opportunities for management of finance, deliveries, projects, production, sales, and many others.

The Openbravo project appeared in 2006 as continuation of the Compiere project the online and having simpler and friendly interface, than Compiere focused on work.

Project objective of Openbravo is creation of the leading open solution for small and medium business. Project mission: "Provide to each company, irrespective of its size, an opportunity to use own program providing for enterprise management, adapted for its needs".

At the moment Openbravo is used by a set of the companies in the field of distribution of products, rendering services and productions.

In 2006 the Openbravo project received an award of EIBT as the hi-tech innovation project for business. This award is founded by ANCES — the Spanish National Center of Association of Business Innovations.

In 2006 the Openbravo project received financing of a class A from the SODENA fund specializing in financing of perspective projects for economy of Spain.

In 2007 the Openbravo project purchased the Librepos POS system.

With an exit in February, 2008 Openbravo POS of version 2.00 were implemented possibilities of the organization of the front office for collection of information in sales points for its further transfer and processing in the Openbravo ERP system.

Openbravo works via the web interface. The server can be installed on Windows NT 5.0 + or GNU/Linux.

Necessary additional software : Jakarta Tomcat, Java 2 of Platform Standard Edition 5.0, PostgreSQL 8.1.4 or Oracle 10g release 2, and Apache Ant 1.6.5.


Official site

Russian website