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Open Mail Format

Developers: Group
Branches: Internet services
Technology: Development tools of applications

E-mail — one of the oldest and conservative, by the standards of the industry of IT, forms of digital trunking: the format of its messages remains invariable decades, undergoing times little evolutionary changes. Such stability can demonstrate perfection of technology, but nevertheless found the trend which gave the grounds to review a message handling method in[1]

The traditional mode of work with mail assumes that the user selects the message to browse it. On it time leaves. In decided that directly in the list of messages nothing interferes with display of the summary and links for actions, and offered the Open Mail Format standard allowing to describe elements which will be taken out into the forefront.

Open Mail Format is founded on the classes CSS therefore it is transparent for the email clients which are not supporting a format. Users of such programs will read and process letters still.
