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Oracle Data Integrator Cloud

Developers: Oracle
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/02/15
Technology: PaaS - Platform As A Service - the Business platform as service

For February 15, 2017 Oracle Data Integrator Cloud is service for support of data integration on the scale of the organization, analytics of real time and acceptance of reasonable business solutions.

On February 15, 2017 Oracle provided a cloud service of Data Integrator Cloud for integration of diverse data and analytics of real time. Service is focused on support of data integration into Oracle Cloud Platform.

To be effective and flexible, the possibility of seamless integration of data streams between sources and target consumers is necessary for the enterprises. Including it is about the data obtained thanks to technologies of Internet of Things from Web and business applications and also about those which are stored in a cloud or directly at the enterprises. Oracle Data Integrator Cloud provides to customers the high-performance integrated cloud service for accomplishment of data translations in places of their placement, and without the need for manual programming and without obligatory copying of data.

Jeff Pollock, vice president of Oracle for development of products

Submission of Oracle Data Integrator Cloud, (2016)

Service helps the companies to increase efficiency, to reduce costs on development and total cost of ownership by the analytical platform due to management of movement and transformation of data between systems, data sources and applications both Oracle, and other suppliers[1].

As a part of Data Integrator Cloud the stream declarative user interface together with abilities to manage versions is offered. Architecture of Oracle Data Integrator Cloud in combination with opportunities E-LT (E-LT — Extract – Load, Transform — extraction of data from a source, loading in storage and, in storage, data translation) and expanded options of parallelism provide loading and conversion for booths or data marts (data mart), data warehouses and the systems of Big Data.

The cloud service of Oracle Data Integrator Cloud is integrated with PaaS-solutions of Oracle, including Oracle Database Cloud, Oracle Database Exadata Cloud and Oracle Big Data Cloud.
