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Oracle Exalytics Business Intelligence Machine

Developers: Oracle
Last Release Date: October, 2011
Technology: BI,  DBMS


Exalytics is in-memory the database created specially as the answer of in-memory to the SAP HANA platform. In-memory of the database process information directly in RAM instead of reading out it from hard drives that seriously increases performance of such systems.

The machine Exalytics consists of 40 main cores and has 1tb DRAM, thus it has an opportunity due to special technologies of compression to work with amounts of data of 5-10 of Tb. A new system works at software stack from Oracle which in-memory the database TimesTen, BI tools and the Essbase OLAP server (online analytical processing) enter. A system has the powerful user interface which allows to process information "with a thought speed". At the same time not only access about the PC, but also access with iPad is provided.

Adaptive in-memory defines a cache itself what information should be stored in memory depending on the current loading. If the user sets identical requests, then a system has no need to calculate them again every time: it stores ready answers.

Until Oracle officially announced how many a new system and also when it goes on sale will cost. One of the main differences between Oracle Exalytics and SAP HANA consists in sales strategy. So, buyers of SAP HANA can select the equipment at a number of partners of SAP who deliver SAP HANA as the application on the iron. Oracle provided for Exalytics only Software and the server capacities.

The Oracle corporation submitted in October, 2011 Oracle Exalytics Business Intelligence Machine, the industry-first optimized hardware and software system which shows unprecedented performance at analytical data processing in RAM and makes the visual analysis "with a thought speed" in real time, allowing to create new types of analytical applications.

Oracle Exalytics helps the companies to make quicker decisions in the conditions of promptly changing business, expanding at the same time use of the business analysis (BI) at the enterprises at the expense of means of interactive visualization which are capable to help each user to be the analyst.

The organizations will be able to expand initiatives in the field of BI, passing from reports and dashboards to modeling, planning, drawing up forecasts and the predictive analysis. Applications for planning can work on the scale of all enterprise with shorter and more exact planning cycles now.

A new system integrates well recommended platform of the business analysis Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation with advanced visualization tools and high performance, the optimized version of the Oracle database of TimesTen In-Memory Database leading in the industry with analytical expansions and the high-scalable server of Oracle designed especially for data analysis in RAM.

The optimized complex facilitates deployment

Unlike hardware and software systems for data warehouses and means of the business analysis in RAM, Oracle Exalytics represents the first integrated hardware and software system which includes the software and the equipment for data analysis in RAM and also the optimized BI platform with enhanced capabilities of visualization.

With the purpose to minimize costs for integration and permanent service, to save time and efforts, the Oracle Exalytics complex is designed as single solution of one supplier on the basis of the widespread platform of the business analysis Oracle BI and the database management system in RAM configured for hardware which are developed, made and supported by Oracle corporation.

"Thanks to the high performance of the hardware and software systems Oracle Exalytics Business Intelligence and Oracle Exadata customers from the automotive industry will be able freely to work with data, having the response speed which is not interfering analytical process, – Kelly Garcia, the vice president for production and technologies of the business analysis, Polk company considers. – New trellised (Trellis) charts will allow us to provide huge data arrays on one page, thereby allowing to estimate and penetrate into performances in all segments at once, quickly identifying what of them grow and what decrease".

Are a part of the Oracle Exalytics complex:

  • The Oracle Sun Fire server with OZU with a capacity of 1 terabyte and the Intel Xeon processors E7-4800 with the total number of cores of 40;
  • The technology platform of the business analysis of Oracle BI Foundation including Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Oracle Essbase with optimization appliances of performance and the environment of expanded visualization for the interactive analysis of any data and support of any classes of users;
  • The solution Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics developed on the basis of deliverable Oracle and the high-performance relational database management system checked in practice in the RAM expanded and optimized for the business analysis.

The organizations using the solutions Oracle Business Intelligence get advantages at deployment of the Oracle Exalytics complex thanks to the available experience, resources and specialists. The existing systems of reports and dashboards developed on the basis of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle BI Applications can be executed on Oracle Exalytics without any changes.

The visual analysis without restrictions

Oracle Exalytics offers the innovation opportunities:

  • Interactive visualization "with a thought speed" which allows to investigate and analyze big data sets, easily revealing steady patterns, trends and exceptions;
  • An opportunity to analyze data for many thousands of users of the mobile devices Apple iPad thanks to which the analysis becomes available to any person irrespective of his location;
  • The adaptive technology of data processing in RAM optimizing performance for providing the minimum response time even when amount of data exceeds memory available to the Exalytics complex.

Access to heterogeneous data sources is optimized for Oracle Exadata

Oracle Exalytics is the open solution for heterogeneous IT environments capable to provide access and to analyze the data placed in any relational databases both Oracle and other suppliers, the multidimensional OLAP servers and unstructured information sources. Among supported platforms - IBM DB2, the Microsoft SQL Server, Netezza, SAP Business Information Warehouse and Teradata.

For the organizations which need higher performance Oracle Exalytics offers the connector InfiniBand intended for work with the database machine Oracle Exadata Database Machine.

Exclusive performance for reports, the visual analysis, planning, forecasting and mobile access

The internal tests comparing Oracle Exalytics to the standard software for the business analysis and ready-made hardware solutions showed performance gain to 20 times by drawing up relational OLAPs (ROLAP) reports and when using dashboards, and up to 79 times – at multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) modeling.

  • The sharp increase in productivity of multidimensional modeling was reached at placement of cubes of Oracle Essbase in RAM.
  • All horizontal and industry applications of Oracle BI Applications based on the Oracle BI Foundation platform also show the increased performance.
  • The organizations have an opportunity to increase performance and to provide expanded means of interactive visualization for many thousands of users of iPad and iPhone.

"We are very impressed with the developed analytical opportunities and interactivity of the Oracle Exalytics complex, – John Hood, the vice president and the Chief information officer of Key Energy Services company notes. – We can analyze quickly data literally up and down - from the highest levels to the parts. Interactivity of the user interface Oracle Exalytics will provide growth of popularity of the business analysis and will allow customers to get quickly data access and to find information necessary for the most effective change of business".

Thanks to the new optimized complex users of Oracle Hyperion Planning can make more often planning and forecasting and also to make more detailed plans for planning reconciliation.

In addition to support of existing solutions of Oracle Exalytics will promote emergence of new types of analytical applications which cannot be created on the basis of the normal systems of the business analysis.