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Oracle Taleo Cloud Service Feature

Developers: Oracle
Last Release Date: August, 2012
Technology: Cloud Computing

Oracle Taleo Cloud Service Feature Pack 12B

The Oracle corporation announced in the summer of 2012 release of the new version of a cloud solution of Oracle Taleo Cloud Service Feature Pack 12B which will help heads of business and managers of the personnel departments in problem solving arising in the course of involvement of talented employees for increase in business performance.

Taleo Cloud Service Feature Pack 12B provides to the organizations expanded information on professional employees abilities and allows to estimate more precisely their influence on business growth, integrating and generalizing data on hiring of personnel, labor productivity and credentials from different sources.

Taleo Cloud Service Feature Pack 12B helps to solve problems which heads of personnel departments and business divisions face every time when try to find in staff of the company of the specific employees necessary at present. The companies invest in collection of data on employees, however experience difficulties with management and control of these data on the scale of the organization. The technology of faceted search (Faceted Search) in Taleo Cloud Service Feature Pack 12B makes data on employees available and applicable in practice.

The cloud service of Oracle Taleo Cloud Service earlier known as Taleo Enterprise Edition, helps the companies to employ, manage, encourage and to manage effectively career of employees, providing the complete solution on management of professional development for personnel recruitment, management of activity, compensations, development of career and planning of substitution.

"The new version of Oracle Taleo Cloud Service shows thanks to what we are recognized by leaders in the field of the analysis of professional development of employees, but users in fact benefit from its release. The point is that we provide efficient tools of each organization which needs to find talented employees, to understand their requirements and as much as possible to implement their potential. Only Oracle is capable to supply to the market integrated solution for management of professional development and personnel, rather powerful and effective for satisfaction of the corresponding requirements of the global enterprises in the environment of cloud computing", – Jason Blessing, the senior vice president of division of Oracle Development emphasized.