Developers: | SofTrust |
Branches: | Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care |
Technology: | Medical information system |
Software package "Center of Health"
According to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 597n of August 19, 2009. "About the organization of activity of the centers of health for formation of a healthy lifestyle at citizens of the Russian Federation, including reduction of consumption of alcohol and tobacco" within public contract No. K-29-T/341 of November 6, 2009 SofTrust LLC (together with TSNIIOIZ Ministry of Health and Social Development RF Federal State Institution, Scientific Research Institute of a power supply of the Russian Academy of Medical Science and FGNU "Research Design-technology Institute of the Biotechnical Systems") developed a complex of application programs of a standard information system of support of actions for development of the preventive direction of the medical care directed to maintenance of a healthy lifestyle - the Center of Health PC.
The software package "Center of Health" is intended for accounting of patients when passing preventive screening in the Centers of health at health facilities and also for maintaining regional information resources and statistical reporting in the subject of the Russian Federation.
The structure of a complex includes expert systems "The analysis of power status of the person", "The automated complex for dispensary inspections" (AKDO) and Kardiomonitoring (the structure constantly extends).