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Panasonic Light ID

Developers: Panasonic Corporation
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016/07/04

Light ID is technology of reading of information from the exhibits lit with a LED light source.

The light code can be read out from distance to 10 meters, at the same time information less than for 3 pages arrives on the smartphone, without being crossed with other sources transferring information to iOS - and OS X-devices.

File:Что такое Panasonic Light ID.jpg

File:Компоненты Panasonic Light ID.jpg

Panasonic Light ID components

Presentation of Light ID, (2106)

File:Сравнение Panasonic Light ID.jpg

Comparison of Panasonic Light ID

Light ID will help, for example, the museum, to collect statistical data:

  • how many devices handled a request on this or that object,
  • as interrogation rate changes depending on
    • day of the week,
    • time of day,

  • in what languages visitors of the museum read out information.

Representation of Light ID, (2016)