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Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): Analytical courier
Developers: I-Teco (iTeco)
Technology: Data Mining,  OLAP,  DBMS,  DWH

A system allows to perform multi-lingual search of patents in five main languages of the world (English, Russian, German, French, Italian). At the same time the unique analytical methods, such as cluster and semantic analysis of texts in different languages developed by I-Teco company on the basis of own system of extraction of knowledge from the documents "Analytical Courier" are used.

The PatSearch system distinguish a possibility of request processing of users from analogs in natural languages and existence of analytical tools for development of hypotheses of existence in storage of patents analogs of the request.

In terms of utilization properties a system is distinguished by the high performance and stability of work with huge storage of patents. The distributed architecture of a hardware and software system of the solution allows to scale a system for time management of its reaction to requests with significant increase in volume of storage and number of active sessions of users.