The name of the base system (platform): | PayDox Electronic document management system and business process managements |
Developers: | Paybot |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2020/08/11 |
Last Release Date: | 2020/09/23 |
Technology: | CRM |
Content |
Main article: CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)
Adding of the automated processing of leads
On September 23, 2020 the Paybot company provided the updated functionality of a customer relationship management system and partners of PayDox CRM which allows to automate business processing of requests of clients using the configured programmable rules. Leads (transactions, requests) can come to PayDox CRM from the most various sources, or be entered manually and to be appointed to responsibles with sending adequate notices by it. For example, orders can automatically be loaded into PayDox CRM from the HTML form on the website. According to the various actions (arrival of payments, approval and document approval, etc.) made in a system the configured rules can manage the status of the transaction and transfer it to the next stages of business processing.
Transactions in B2B to the Customer Relationship Management System are longer, than in B2C to the CRM system and business processes of their processing are much more various. Quite often in one B2B the CRM system needs to keep both transactions on sale of a ready-made product, and agreements of an after-sale service or technical support and various services to corporate clients. All types of transactions have the features and for their processing different templates of business processes are appointed.
Close integration of PayDox CRM allows to create, approve and sign with electronic document management of PayDox of EDMS in electronic form all set of documents according to the transaction: agreements, accounts, acts, protocols and other. For all documents according to the transaction in a system templates on which ready copies of documents are automatically generated are created.
The automated processing of leads (transactions, requests) and programmable rules in PayDox CRM are the flexible instrument of customization of the CRM system according to any requirements of customers.
The functionality of CRM is included in the free version of PayDox Team.
Representation of the general funnel of sales for transactions of different type
On August 25, 2020 the Paybot company reported that upgraded version of a customer relationship management system and partners of PayDox CRM includes the functionality allowing to configure different types of transactions and business processes of their processing with a possibility of submission of all such transactions in the general funnel of sales. It provides uniform management and status monitoring of transactions of different type in general on the organization.
According to the company, B2B CRM system which clients are generally legal entities, as a rule, services not one type of transactions, and a little. Unlike B2C of the CRM system, leading, generally the same transactions on sales to individuals.
In B2B to the CRM system of customer relation after the conclusion of the transaction (agreement signature, the statement and payment of account, etc.) do not come to an end, and more likely only begin. The lasting signed agreements and projects require support, and CRM offering service of customer relations - legal entities, should provide such functionality. Processing of "a funnel of sales" with the same transactions for B2B is absolutely not enough CRM system. Transactions in B2B to the CRM system are longer, than in B2C to the CRM system, and business processes of their processing are more various.
Quite often in one B2B the CRM system needs to keep both transactions on sale of a ready-made product, and agreements of an after-sale service or technical support, and various services to corporate clients. All these types of transactions have the features and it appoints different templates of business processing. At the same time there is a problem of uniform reflection of all such transactions in the general funnel of sales with an identical set of the statuses of the transaction for representation of an overall picture with sales on all organization and control of the arising bottlenecks for all lifecycle of transactions. As also clients for such transactions of different type often same, both divisions, and the managers who are engaged in sales it is also frequent the same.
On one evident graphic dashbord the head can see shared state by all types of transactions (sales of goods, services, maintaining projects, performance of different agreements) in general on the enterprise. Existence of bottlenecks in sales (low interest of the transactions which are successfully passing to the next stage of processing) at once comes to light. If necessary, the funnel of sales can be shown in different cuts, including on specific type of the transaction, on the client, on division, on the employee, for the period.
Graphical representation of a status of a funnel of sales can also be gained one click in the form of the PDF-page or the report in the MS Excel format. Such type is convenient for printout and sending by e-mail or through social networks.
For providing such opportunity in PayDox CRM any business processing of the transaction can appoint the status of the transaction from the configured reference book. Further, when calculating a funnel of sales, different transactions and business processes of their processing are grouped according to such standard statuses of the transaction and the result in the form of graphical representation of a funnel is shown on an interactive dashbord or in the report. The responsible user can give the status of the transaction manually or it can be made automatically a system when passing business processing of the transaction according to the configured rules. Having clicked on a funnel layer with the name of the status, it is possible to see the list of transactions with such status and all necessary information.
Close integration with electronic document management allows to process in a complex in PayDox CRM any kinds of transactions, to create, approve and sign all set of documents according to the transaction: agreements, accounts, acts, protocols, other documents for which in a system templates on which ready copies of documents are generated automatically are created.
Customer relationship management and partners in EDMS PayDox
The latest version of an electronic document management system and management of joint work of PayDox includes the functionality allowing to manage quickly customer relations and partners including all history of creation and exchange of joint documents. The Paybot company reported about it on August 11, 2020.
Obvious problem when using traditional CRM systems at the enterprise is the inability of such systems to provide the up-to-date and complete information about all customer relations and partners, including all history of creation and exchange of joint documents.
In this case it is, generally about clients - legal entities, the relations with which after the conclusion of the transaction (agreement signature, the statement and payment of account, etc.) do not come to an end, and more likely only begin. The lasting signed agreements and projects require support, and CRM offering service of relationship with partners should provide such functionality. Processing of "a funnel of sales" for CRM ensuring functioning with clients legal entities is absolutely not enough.
Support of the potential transaction with the client and the partner − is only a part of necessary work. The possibility of the CRM system to quickly provide all information on any client and the partner, including all history of earlier performed and current agreements, projects and payments, is very important as for the current work with this client, and for formation of its integrated rating as reliable contractor of contractual commitments.
Primary data which are used in a system by customer relations and partners (CRM) are in primary documents of the enterprise − accounts, acts, agreements, etc. In the presence at the enterprise of a system electronic document management (EDMS) these data exist in a digital form, are reliable and verified as underwent the procedure of electronic approval and the approval by responsibles. The CRM system constructed based on integration with EDMS has necessary functional completeness for ensuring work. Moreover, the standard functionality of EDMS, for example, of reconciliation procedure of documents, acquaintance, the notification, etc., often is extremely necessary for ensuring functioning of CRM.
Only the CRM system constructed based on EDMS or performing close integration with EDMS is capable to provide completeness of necessary functionality for work with clients and partners as 80% of such functionality − are work with documents. Opportunity for the 1st click on a card of the partner to obtain all information on this partner, all current documents (letters, agreements, payments, etc.), and right there, if necessary, to browse and to quickly approve them is essentially important.
Only the linking of EDMS + CRM can ensure complex functioning with clients and partners - from preprocessing of a funnel of sales before control of performance of agreements and payments.
Design of processes of management of transactions in the form of cases allows to adapt flexibly processing of transactions according to corporate requirements. The list of actions with the potential transaction (processing of a funnel of sales) and the HTML form of the entered data on the transaction can be configured without programming and remain in the form of a case template. Integration with a mailing subsystem to potential clients of commercial offers on offers is possible. The interested clients one click from the letter with the description of the offer will be able automatically to start on the system website a case with processing of the potential transaction, and the managers who are responsible for promotion of this product or service will receive automatic notifications on presence of potential clients and will see all list of actions which they should perform for processing of the potential transaction.
The functionality of CRM is included in the free version of PayDox Team.