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Philips Brilliance Computer tomograph

Developers: Philips Healthcare
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/07/05
Branches: Medical centers,  State clinics,  Hospitals

Philips Brilliance is a line of computer tomographs.

2018: Brilliance CT Big Bore

On July 5, 2018 the Philips Healthcare company provided the computer Brilliance CT Big Bore tomograph intended for the solution of relevant tasks in the field of oncology.

Brilliance CT Big Bore

Construction of a system and workflows are adapted especially for carrying out KT-simulation of radiation therapy. According to Philips Healthcare, the wide aperture of the tomograph and convenient construction of a table allow to reduce a set-up time of the patient to the procedure and provide his comfortable arrangement.

Thanks to the TumorLoc software package specialists can perform exact and effective simulation of radiation therapy on the console of the computer tomograph. The expanded iPatient platform allows to carry out personalisation of criteria of visualization and provides support of management of a radiation dose, proceeding from clinical needs of the patient.

Specific Features

  • Positioning of the patient for exact marking
    • When scanning a system supports a field of the overview of 60 cm in size thanks to what constancy of KT-numbers increases and the possibility of carrying out inspection of patients practically of any volume appears. The table sound board provision deviation from the plane of laser marking does not exceed 2 mm that meets the requirements of AAPM TG 66 and provides accuracy when positioning.

  • Convenient opportunities of modeling in difficult configurations
    • The wide aperture of the tomograph allows to reduce a set-up time of the patient to the procedure and facilitates his arrangement.

  • Technologies of improvement of quality of images
    • The O-MAR technology reduces the level of artifacts from large orthopedic implants. The iDose technology improves quality of images due to noise reduction and high spatial resolution. As a result of KT allows to receive hi-res pictures with the low level of artifacts.

  • Traffic control of KT in mode 4D
    • Pulmonary Toolkit set for oncological patients opens ample opportunities, offering three modes of data collection. Besides, it contains methods of amplitude and phase grouping — they help to estimate the movement of the purposes and bodies, to locate the patient and to carry out synchronized therapy.

  • Means of KT-simulation for marking of the patient from the console
    • The Tumor LOC application provides localization of the isocenter when marking the patient and also fast simulation that promotes performance improvement and improves planning process of radiation therapy.

  • Stability when scanning
    • Philips iPatient is the advanced platform which offers management of a KT-system and allows to be prepared for accomplishment of future tasks. With its help it is possible to concentrate on results, but not on scanning process. Besides, the platform provides permanent confidence and to maintain stability of 24/7 work.