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Philosopher: ERP system for integrated management of development projects

Developers: Philosopher, Kirov
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/12/07
Branches: Real Estate,  Construction and Construction Materials Industry
Technology: ERP

Main article: ERP (TAdviser definition)

2022: Industry ERP System Development

On December 7, 2022, Filosfot announced the development of an industry ERP system for integrated management of development projects. The digital ecosystem allows you to collect key areas of activity in one information field.

The ERP system covers the key business areas of the development company: budgeting, procurement, treasury and construction. Filosfot conducted system studies of development organizations in order to better understand the needs and needs of developers, to take into account all the shortcomings of existing ERP systems when creating a new product.

The peculiarity of ERP from "Philosopher" is that it is a single ecosystem: all subsystems work in the same information field. The program interface is simple and understandable for everyone. You can easily configure integrations with any external resources: in particular, ERP provides integration with other ecosystem products, such as "Stroycontrol," "tender site" and "Face ID." The system also stores information about all previously completed projects, which allows you to analyze costs in the context of decomposed articles in a unified format, which means to make the project more efficient.

For each client, it is possible to modify the system for specific business processes. At the same time, you will not have to pay extra for each new role in the system.

"When the development business connects the ERP system, it helps to automate the processes of planning and monitoring the fulfillment of deadlines for the implementation of the project, analyze the state of all processes of the company online, integrate the deadlines for the execution of projects with economic indicators and increase the performing discipline. We tried to take into account all the wishes of the developers. Our ERP system is designed specifically for the construction industry. At the same time, we understand that each company needs to customize the system for its own business processes, therefore we have provided for such an opportunity, "commented Ivan Vlasov, director of Filosoft.

Filosfot's own ERP subsystems (project management, construction, contracts with individuals, universal routes, Stroycontrol) significantly expand the developer's capabilities compared to typical ERP configurations or other systems: you can create (conduct) projects of different types (construction, investment, information technology) within the same information system; Plan, execute and monitor the construction project budget for the work performed and materials used; automatically calculate wages; use approval routes and perform acceptance of works on site.