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Developers: Artquant (Artkvant)
Date of the premiere of the system: May, 2015
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: BI

Resident of a cluster of information technologies of Skolkovo Foundation Artquant Ltd company. Announced (Artkvant LLC) in May, 2015 a release of the beta of a new product — Portfolioand.Me. It is the tool for fundamental analysis of the American security market working based on artificial intelligence.

Portfolioand.Me allows to make and adjust in the online mode securities portfolios by the set criteria and also to keep track of share price performance of the companies and investment funds (ETF). Having registered on the website of service, the user gets access to a basic set of opportunities. Access to complete functionality is provided on a subscription which cost for individuals is 99 dollars a month.

The technology developed by Artquant allows to select the most attractive actions of the USA. The main advantage of Portfolioand.Me developers call the artificial intelligence playing a role of the financial analyst. Considering a set of factors and indicators, he makes an optimal portfolio of actions and will see off it "бэктест", i.e., shows to the user how effective would be purchase of this portfolio during the period from 2005 to 2014.

Filippov Ilya, CEO of Artquant.: "When forming investment portfolios a lot of time is spent on comparison of indicators of activity of the different companies, tracking of dynamics of business, search of the necessary indicators in reports, etc. We solve this problem with the help of the extensive database, specially developed algorithm and opportunities of self-training artificial intelligence. Use Portfolioand.Me — means to locate the personal financial adviser with the high level of examination. And the possibility of flexible configuration of a portfolio allows to select parameters, using hundreds of financial performance and assessment of analysts".

Own securities portfolio in Portfolioand.Me can be created in several clicks, the user only needs to select several parameters: priority industries, period of action of a portfolio, time of repeated balancing and other. Then using a special algorithm the securities portfolio forms, and the user sees his dynamics for the last ten years in a schedule type with a possibility of detailing.

Portfolios can be created and manually — on the website there are options "Search of Actions" and "Search of ETF". It is possible to look for papers as by broad criteria (for example, the industry or level of capitalization), and on narrow, for example, based on the ratio of net debt of the company to the total capital. It is possible to add to the made portfolio manually securities and also to change their ratio. It is possible to keep track of dynamics of the created portfolios directly on the website of service.