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Portugal Exporta

Developers: Agency on investments and foreign trade of Portugal (AICEP)
Date of the premiere of the system: April, 2019
Branches: Government and social institutions

2019: Start of the platform

In the middle of April, 2019 it became known of start in Portugal of the Portugal Exporta platform which uses artificial intelligence to help the local companies to increase export of products. The technology was developed by Agency on investments and foreign trade of Portugal (AICEP).

In innovation algorithms of artificial intelligence, including machine learning, Big Data and design thinking (the methodology of the solution of engineering, business and other tasks which is based on creative, but not analytical approach), for granting to thousands of the companies of the personalized services are implemented.

This platform will become bright future — the president of AICEP Luis Castro Henriques told Reuters agency. — It will allow us to involve more companies in international market, it is better to service them and to help them to be more productive.

According to him, the technology should promote increase in export volume in Portugal to record levels in 2019 though by April decrease is observed.

Within Portugal Exporta a lot of services which including disclose to the companies information on potential partners is offered, help them to look for investors and to approve plans for the international expansion for each agreement party.

Export plays more and more important role in the Portuguese economy: if in 2010 30% of GDP of the country, then in 2018 — already 44% were the share of it. The local companies are forced to look for development points abroad after debt  crisis  in  the eurozone from which Portugal suffered very strongly.

However the government managed to break a situation: in April, 2019 the prime minister Antoniu Koshta said that the country advances the eurozone on rates of economic growth, unemployment fell up to 6.7%, and budget deficit for the first time more than in 45 years can be zero. 

Luís Castro Enriquez says that Portugal aims at a 50 percent share of export to GDP by 2025. According to National Institute of statistics of Portugal, by April, 2019 44 thousand companies in the country can work for export, but do it regularly only 23 thousand[1]
