Developers: | DIgSILENT |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 1997/06/12 |
Branches: | Power |
Technology: | BI, CPM, Project management systems |
Content |
The PowerFactory system is the software for the analysis of electrical systems, appeared in 1997.
Among the main advantages of a product there is an increased stability of calculations, the developed graphic user interface, the reliable object-oriented database.
In 2008 DIgSILENT GmbH brought the 14th version of software of PowerFactory to the market.
At the end of 2009 there was the first version for the Russian market - PF14-514.
As of May 12, 2011, the last assembly of DIgSILENT PowerFactory - PF14-525.1. In comparison with the previous assembly (PF14-525 of March 03, 2011) add new parameters of calculation, work with memory (the limit of the used memory is expanded to 3 GB in 32-bit Windows) is improved, small errors in graphic display of networks and converting of data are corrected, models separate [1] and an expanded set of commands [2] are improved.
PowerFactory 14.1
On June 17, 2011 there was a new official version of PowerFactory 14.1. It contains a set of improvements and new opportunities of modeling:
- display of perspective schemes of networks and substations is improved,
- the possibility of the organization of "parallel" calculations is created
- the feature for calculation and the analysis of the modes is added at different temperatures of the conductor (taking into account change of pure resistance and a long permissible current of the line)
- the new feature of "Generation Adequacy Assessment" is developed. Function allows to estimate the probability of a covering (not covering) of loadings the set structure of generation considering stochasticity of loadings and generation (for example, from vetrostantion) using the probabilistic Monte-Carlo method.
- the feature for modeling in UR of asynchronous engines with a variable resistance of a rotor is added.
- the packet includes new models for wind turbines, fotovoltny elements, fuel elements, the systems of accumulation of the electric power
- the method of calculation of currents of KZ considering feed from wind turbines which are capable to support tension dynamically is implemented.
- there is a functionality for assessment of figures of merit of the electric power (harmonics, a flicker) according to IEC standards 61000-3-6/7, an IEC 61400-21 and flikermetr, according to an IEC 61000-4-15 and an IEC 61000-3-7.
- also the version which maintains 64-bit architecture is released.
It allows PowerFactory to use addressing to OZU above borders in 2 GB that provides efficiency at the solution of the most difficult tasks connected with the modes of big and complex power supply systems. The new CIM-ENTSO-E interface is available to import and export of data.
PowerFactory 14.1.3
For December 12, 2011 the last assembly of DIgSILENT PowerFactory - PF14.1.3. Comparing to the previous assembly (PF14.1.2), stability of algorithms of calculation of UR, currents of KZ, the modal analysis, reliability is considerably increased. Methods of work with graphics are improved, new templates of wind turbines and solar stations, scripts of creation of hodographs of resistance and stochastic switchings are added to deliverable libraries.
2013. Russian announcement
The RTSoft company, the official representative of DIgSILENT GmbH company, announced on June 19, 2013 official entry into the Russian market of the solution PowerFactory. The presentation of a product took place at the seminar held by the company for potential customers.
"PowerFactory is used more than 30 years by electropower engineering specialists worldwide, and today we offer the latest high quality product for the Russian market, – Fernandez Flavio, the technical director of the company of DIgSILENT GmbH who participated in a seminar emphasized. – The RTSoft company is that partner who has all necessary competences and resources for development of solutions based on the products DIgSILENT and is capable to provide reliable full support of users of a product".
The concepts put during creation of this software do it by the most flexible and reliable instrument of computer simulation and the analysis of electrical systems and networks.
- Functionally integrated by software completely compatible to Windows XP OS 95/98/NT/2000//2003/represents the uniform performed module Vista. This approach allows PowerFactory to avoid routine procedures of data transfer between different applications, such as calculation of flow distribution of power, calculation of currents of KZ, etc.
- Vertically integrated by software allows to use uniform program "engine" and the PowerFactory interface for different applications and segments of the market - generation, transfer, electric power distribution, power supply systems.
- The integrated database saves the user from cares on the organization and support of file structures and directories. The concept of the uniform integrated database means that all these applications (graphics, parameters, results, conditions of accomplishment, an option of calculations, messages, etc.) are stored in one database. Mechanisms of integrity checking of base, backup and recovery and also the multi-user modes of the addressing the data which are stored on the server are in addition provided.
- The management concept allows the user to pass with projects easily from the analysis of one option of system development to another, to compare options that as a result increases performance of work and helps to avoid the errors connected with duplication of information.
- Different operation modes. PowerFactory works in completely graphical windowing environment, implementing the most modern and intuitive graphic user interface. Separate windows for display of results of calculation, single line diagrams of network, detailed connection circuits of substations, tables of initial data, etc. are provided.
- In an interactive mode the user can work with a system in the mode of the command line. This mode allows to create also the user sequences of commands, procedures and to save them in special files. Thus, by means of the simple built-in programming language (DPL) system batch mode is implemented. The last, is especially necessary at the solution of the difficult tasks requiring calculations of a set of the modes and their automated analysis.
- The background operation mode allows software to work in multitasking environment. This mode is necessary at joint work of PowerFactory with other real-time systems, such as ASDU, OIC, etc. In this operation mode program management can be remote.
- The powerful graphics editor maintains a large number of graphic functions, such as multiple layers, "drag and drop", automatic generation of typical circuits of substations, uslovnozavisimy coloring of elements, scaling, visual identification, etc.
- The system of documentation of projects automatically creates reports, filling ready templates with calculation results. There is a possibility of creation of own report templates. All data can be imported or exported to other formats of storage. Tabular data can be converted into the MS Excel or Access format, and exchange of graphic data with other applications can be performed through BMP or WMF formats.
Window with overflows on sections
PowerFactory includes constantly growing list of the supported functions for the solution of applied tasks:
- Calculation of the symmetric and asymmetrical set modes, currents of KZ for 1.2 or three-phase networks of any configuration of an alternating and direct current.
- Modeling of station group regulators, primary regulators and [3] (in particular for a task of distribution of not balance of active power between stations and the analysis of post-abnormal UR when calculating N-1 for blocks).
- The analysis of the modes of tension and planning of reserves of reactive power using the PV-and QV-methods of curves, VQ – sensitivity and the modal analysis of Yakobian.
- Maintaining perspective schemes using a binding of elements to time of input and options of development.
- Analysis low-voltage and optimization of distribution networks.
- Optimization (linear and nonlinear) the modes of power supply systems with a set of restrictions, including overflows on sections, limits of regulation of a reactant station regulators, an asset - ARChM regulators, etc.
- Status assessment
- Modeling of electromagnetic and electromechanical transition processes, calculations static (modal analysis of a characteristic matrix, QR algorithm) and dynamic stability.
- Creation of the user models of regulators, for example ARV and identification of their parameters according to natural tests.
- Calculation, modeling and coordination of the RZA systems, devices of power electronics, FACTS.
- Modeling and the analysis of the weighted and emergency operation, N-1, N-m.
- Calculation and reliability analysis, harmonic analysis.
- Compatibility with other NETCAL, NEPS, PSS/E, PSS/U, Adept, NEPLAN and DVG software products.
- Multi-user operation mode.
- Local and server DB for the organization of the object-oriented principles of storage and data management, CІM support Introduction to an IEC 61970-301 & 61968-11: Common Information Model (General Information Model).
Representation of the southern part of power supply system of Ukraine in the form of the skeleton diagram
Possibilities of development
PowerFactory contains the built-in programming aids. It brings the software functions to new level, allowing to create new complex functions on the basis of the built-in functions. Common programmable features:
- Calculation of losses of the electric power.
- Analysis of capacity.
- Automatic coordination of protection.
- Modeling (antiabnormal automatic equipment - PA).
- Programmable import export of data.
Power Factory is used more than 30 years in the field of power industry (more than 5 thousand licenses) in more than 110 countries of the world for the solution of all range of problems of planning and management of the modes of the electric networks and systems. The concept of the vertically integrated software allows to use effectively PowerFactory for different applications in different segments of the market: generation, transfer, electric power distribution, power supply systems of the enterprises, etc.
Operators of national power supply systems: National Grid (Great Britain), Terna (Italy), Tennet (Netherlands), Western Power (Australia), EnergiNet (Denmark), Swissgrid (Switzerland), ESKOM (Republic of South Africa), EnBW (Germany), Scottish Power (Scotland), ISA (Colombia), PLN (Indonesia), EGAT (Thailand) and some other use Power Factory for modeling of dynamics, assessment of capacity of sections (UCTE DACF), reliability analysis (N-1) and possible accidents in power supply systems.
PowerFactory became de facto the standard of modeling of wind ES.
Experience in Russia
In Russia the Beloyarsk NPP purchased Power Factory for modeling of electric processes and coordination of RZA in the system of a reliable power supply of own needs of the BN-600 block in 2009. It is used in MEI.
In Ukraine, at the Kiev and Donetsk polytechnical institutes, in 2010 about 25 licenses of this software are set.
The operator of national power supply system National Grid (Great Britain) purchased 165 licenses softwares PowerFactory. Software will be used for long-term planning of development of national power supply system until 7 years ahead and also for operational planning of the modes (for 4 hours ahead). To guarantee the greatest possible reliability of work of all applications, the PowerFactory system will be installed on reserve clusters of the application server, in the environment of the multi-user database.
Implementation in national power supply systems of Great Britain of software of PowerFactory caused an exit of new – the 14th version, considerably modifed. National Grid attracted world famous, independent, authoritative consulting company London Power Associates to providing the complex analysis of the technical requirements, professional and objective comparison of the different commercial software.
PowerFactory in the dispatching center National Grid
Examples of the graphical interface
Dialog of information input on the generator for calculation of UR