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Promis Interin

Developers: Interin, GC
Last Release Date: 2015/12/12
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare
Technology: Accounting Systems,  Medical Information System


Interin Promis is a medical information system.

2024: Compatibility with Postgres Pro Standard DBMS versions 13, 14, 15, 16

Postgres Professional and Interin Technology on April 8, 2024 announced the compatibility of their products. The certificate issued by Postgres Professional confirms the correct operation of Postgres Pro Standard DBMS (versions 13, 14, 15, 16) and Interin PROMIS Alpha PG, Interin Alpha and Interin SQL Studio products.

Interin PROMIS Alpha PG is a medical information system implemented entirely on domestic and open technologies. It allows you to solve the problem of informatization of medical centers of different scales and different profiles. Included in the register of domestic software.

Interin Alpha is a Russian information system development platform implemented entirely on domestic and open technologies.

InterIn SQL Studio is a SQL developer tool that works DBMS with Postgres Pro and, Oracle among other things, allows you to solve transfer problems data between them.

Postgres Pro is a domestic database management system. The flagship version of the DBMS, Postgres Pro Enterprise, includes more than 100 key developments that provide maximum reliability and high performance, which allows it to solve the most complex industrial problems in enterprises with high-load systems. It is included in the register of domestic software and has an FSTEC certificate.

2016: System Delivery Options and Options

Interin Promis Medical Information System is an integrated information and functional environment that combines elements of different classes of medical information systems (MIS).

The system provides information support for all services of the medical institution - from document management and financial accounting to the maintenance of clinical records about the patient, integration with medical equipment and decision-making support.

LPU Unified Information Space, (2014)

The introduction of Interin Promis in a medical and preventive institution involves:

  • installation of a typical MIS variant,
  • setting up and adapting the system to the specifics of the institution,
  • setting up user workstations,
  • personnel training
  • subsequent maintenance of MIS operation.

Delivery options InterIn Promis:

  • Basic functionality - necessary for the organization of accounting functions and obtaining the necessary minimum reporting (operator input, forms of state statistical reporting).
  • Standard functionality - provides support for the work of medical diagnostic, management and auxiliary divisions of the LPU with the full execution of medical documents (medical documents, electronic medical record, contracts and payments, debiting on the patient, etc.) and full reporting.
  • Extended - informatization of all significant LPU processes, a complete set of AWS, documents and reports, as well as expanded capabilities for designing user workstations, documents and reports, advanced data control and analysis tools and other service functionality for developing and configuring the system.

The Interin Promis platform is a single open, industrial complex of solutions that implements in one technology all elements of the medical information space: from the doctor's workplace to the integration portal of the region.

These capabilities are based on DBMSracle 11g, which can be used both in commercial editions (for large institutions) and in the free version of Oracle 11g Express Edition, which has all the basic qualities of commercial systems, limiting the amount of 11 gigabytes of user information stored, which is more than enough for small and medium LPUs for normal operation in MIS Intermediate Promis.

(data as of July 2016)

2014: Promis InterIn

On April 23, 2014, Interin Group announced the release of the Interin Promis 7 version of the Medical Information System. In this version of the system, the planned development of functions and subsystems of the previous version of the Interin Promis Veskovo MIS was carried out, the accumulated experience in the implementation of automation projects of medical institutions was applied.

Special attention is paid to the following areas:

  • Development of system interface capabilities and application development tools
  • subsystem of medical electronic document management;
  • management of the resources of the medical institution;
  • outpatient-polyclinic subsystem;
  • financial and economic subsystem;
  • Project support tools and technologies
  • implementation and training technologies.

All the changes implemented realize the main goal - building on the basis of Interin PROMIS 7 an effective tool for medical organization management meets all modern requirements and makes it possible to fully meet the client's needs.

Main innovations in InterIn Promis 7 Desktop The user's desktop is a universal tool for building AWS of all types of users of PROMIS InterIn. The new version of the system includes a completely redesigned Desktop module that combines the capabilities of previous versions and significantly expands them.

Medical Document Model Designer Modeling medical documents occupies an important place in the process of adapting the information system to the requirements of a medical organization. During the operation of the system, great attention is required to the documents and their modification for the needs of the medical and diagnostic process. The new module for designing medical document models makes the process of creating and adjusting document models easier, but at the same time does not allow the user to make errors in building models, which increases the quality and speed of work on medical document models, reducing the cost of adapting and maintaining the information system.

Preparation of Output Forms The range of possibilities for developing and configuring the system in terms of preparing output forms (including medical, legal, financial, statistical) has been expanded by including the ability to design output documents directly in Microsoft Office and formats in the IIA tools. In the new version of the MIS, the developer is given the opportunity to use any of four options for preparing output documents (documents and spreadsheets): Oracle Reports, Microsoft Office,, Form Designer. Depending on the requirements of the task, any of the tools can be selected.

Subsystem of medical electronic document management The MIS version includes a significantly redesigned subsystem of electronic document management. Medical documents received a new template mechanism that allows accessing document templates in a single interface with the document; History of previously created documents of this type to templates of individual fields of three types: fixed lists, design templates, including additional definition of fields, dynamic templates, allowing to obtain certain values of fields on the basis of information requests to data stored in the patient's medical record. The Document Field Fill Template Designer provides extensive options for creating and modifying templates of all types, both by the system administrator and by users according to their access rights.

Medical Organization Resource Management The resource management subsystem has significantly expanded its capabilities and offers a new interface to the user. The capabilities of resource management have been expanded: additional modes of their operation have been added, additional resource restrictions have been introduced, and it has become possible to manage the list of resource services published on the Web. The coupon type management module has been updated: the range of restrictions and access control to coupon types has expanded.

The version of the subsystem includes a calendar module for recording for reception and dispatching assignments. The calendar provides a visual overlay of four layers of views: resource schedule, resource mode, patient schedule, and patient mode.

The possibilities of patient appointment recording providing automatic selection of resources performing the assigned patient examinations and services paid by the patient are expanded. The economic control of the patient's record has been expanded, including the analysis of medical programs and the state of the personal account. Updated the patient course recording module with an improved algorithm for calculating the most appropriate admission time. A new version of the patient file cabinet module has been implemented, which allows providing information on the sources of payment for patients, the state of the personal account and the patient's debt in a single interface; invoiced and accepted payments; performed medical referrals for consultations and diagnostic studies; information about the patient's stay in the hospital and the patient's presence in special lists and registers.

Outpatient and polyclinic subsystem The development of functional and interface capabilities of the outpatient subsystem ensured an increase in the convenience and efficiency of patients' work in the system. The planned development was received by the modules of work with the completed case of appeals, the possibilities of typing and interaction with the subsystems of dispensary dynamic observation, the subsystem of conducting professional examinations, medical commissions, the formation of data on compulsory medical insurance and communication with treatment standards were expanded.

In the module of medical and diagnostic appointments, the possibilities of integration with the financial and economic subsystem are expanded in terms of monitoring the sources of payment for appointed services, taking into account the conditions of medical programs and the requirements of letters of guarantee. New service selection interfaces are provided that provide a variety of ways to group and search for services in the most convenient form for the user. The subsystem for conducting professional examinations received new opportunities, providing convenient operator input of information about the examinations, improved data integration with the clinical system, and expanded the capabilities of the module for analytical data processing.

The module for working with operative interventions at an outpatient appointment was updated: quick access to information about operations from the patient's outpatient card was provided, work with a preoperative concept was improved, the function of accounting for services and material values ​ ​ during registration of surgical intervention was developed.

Financial and economic subsystem The modules and functions of the financial and economic subsystem have received significant development, information from which is closely intertwined with all the main processes that take place in a medical organization, providing doctors, registrars, heads of departments and services with the necessary information about the financial side of the medical and diagnostic process.

The planned development was received by modules related to ensuring the work of the LPU under the VHI programs. New versions of contract and counterparty reference book modules have been released, and the possibilities for working with medical programs and guarantee letters have been expanded. The convenience of working with VHI patient attachment lists and working with the contractual contingent has been increased.

The development of the cash accounting module made it possible to significantly improve the quality of the registrar-cashier in the system. In particular, a close connection was established between the directions and accounts of the patient, the possibilities of registration of payment were expanded, the module for connecting fiscal registrars to the system was developed. The system includes an extended version of the module for working with returns for previously posted cash payments. The new version of the cost calculation subsystem provides the possibility of maintaining a catalog of regulatory service cards, the subsystem includes an updated module for maintaining the register of medical equipment of the institution. In accordance with the updated directories, the module for collecting direct costs for the provision of medical services and preparing statistical and management reporting has been modified. An interface for calculating the cost of medical services has been implemented, expanding the possibilities for manipulating services and forming price lists based on the calculations made.

System Monitoring and Configuration Tools Significant changes have been made in the modules and functions that provide work with system directories, tools for monitoring and configuring the work of system users. The MIS Interin Promis 7 delivery includes a new module for monitoring the hardware and system software of servers. The module is designed to collect information on the operation of the equipment and system software of servers that ensure the functioning of the MIS. The module monitors critical performance indicators of equipment and system software, detects deviations from normal operation in the supporting infrastructure and informs the system administrator.

The complex of modifications made made it possible to significantly reduce the costs of setting up and maintaining the system, increasing the reliability and flexibility of the solution.