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The name of the base system (platform): QAD Enterprise Application
Developers: QAD Inc
Technology: CRM

QAD CRM is the complex CRM solution allowing to facilitate management of a sales activity and to marketing at the enterprises of small, medium and large business and also to increase profitability at the expense of business process optimization. QAD CRM is development of the product QAD SFA&MA and works as as a part of the ERP system of QAD Enterprise Applications (before MFG/PRO) and as the separate, functionally finished application. QAD CRM is completely integrated with the key QAD ERP functions, such as "Sales Orders/Invoices (Sales orders and invoices)" and "Service and Support Management (Management of technical support and service)". It allows to process quickly orders and addresses to a support service.

A system covers two main functional areas:

  • Sales management – automation of all routine tasks connected with sales (information management about the existing and potential clients, management of the different types of activity connected with sales, for example, purpose of meetings and also assessment of competitors and partners, creation of sales statements and so on)
  • Management of marketing – means for management of marketing campaigns on the basis of information on sales (for example, it is possible to obtain information on target audience, proceeding from data on clients, already existing in a system)

Modules QAD CRM:

  • for the sales manager
    • Opportunities ("Transaction")
    • Currencies ("Currency")

  • for the marketing manager

    • Marketing Campaigns ("Marketing campaigns")
    • Contact Mailing Preferences ("Mailing settings")

  • general modules

    • Activities ("Contacts with clients")
    • Addresses ("Contact information"), including Profiles ("A profile of the company") and Contacts ("Contact persons")
    • Products ("Products")
    • Customer Service ("Service of work with clients")
    • Remote Sales ("Remote sales")
    • Customer Console ("Client's console")
    • Scripts ("Scenario")
    • Dashboard ("Dashboard")
    • Reports ("Reports")
    • Tools and Utilities ("Tools and utilities") optionally (if there is QAD ERP)
    • QAD ERP Integration ("Integration with QAD ERP")

Besides, the functionality of QAD CRM includes a possibility of sending e-mails according to the contact list directly from a system and creation of templates of letters for one or several contacts. Access to different tools is also provided, for example, to the calculator and the event log. An opportunity to start other applications is implemented.

QAD CRM interface

Usually work area consists of two parts. In an upper half the list of all elements for the selected module, and in the lower half the selected element is located (or the last from several selected through Ctrl or Shift) it is displayed in parts and it is editable. Switch between modules, for example, to pass from the list of contact persons (Contacts) to the list of marketing campaigns (Campaigns), it is possible using the QAD CRM pop-up menu.

In status bar in the lower part of the screen the company name, a user name, the time zone, a name and node type, the client's type, date, time, the number of the selected records and a software version is displayed.

The toolbar buttons provide a fast call of functions of a system. There is as universal buttons ("Govern", "Add entry" "Save" "/cancel", "Delete", Sorting, Filter, "Find", etc.), and buttons which appear when the specific module is selected. The user can configure the toolbar "under himself", having added or having deleted some buttons.