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QTECH SEL Automated system of accounting of energy resources

Developers: QTECH (Kyyutek)
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2014
Branches: Power
Technology: APCS

The QTECH company, the Russian producer of telecommunication and network solutions, provided in November, 2014 to the market an automated system of accounting of QTECH SEL energy resources. Development is intended for management companies, condominium, the companies builders and owners of housing. A system combines possibilities of measurement and control of resource consumption with technologies of the smart home.

In Russia the market of services of commercial accounting of the energy resources providing increase in energy efficiency in the conditions of growth of rates actively forms. Commercial accounting of consumption of energy resources becomes relevant not only for industrial enterprises, but also for objects of housing and communal services. Even more often there is a need for creation of the systems of house and apartment accounting of services.

The hi-tech system of accounting of resources — AIIS of HENS of QTECH SEL equipped with technologies of the smart home is developed for the solution of a problem of effective use of energy resources by QTECH company. New development measures data on electricity consumption, waters, heat, gas which are transferred to the QTECH Smart Home Router router with the Wi-fi functions of a point and the controller of the smart home. The device communicates with the server of collection of data in DPC on channels of broadband access in the Internet. The solution QTECH adapts under needs of the customer and the requirement for payback periods, is integrated with usual business applications, including 1C.

On the basis of the given QTECH SEL management companies and suppliers of resources can plan energy consumption, control all-house losses and receive notifications about peak loads, exceeding of limits and emergency situations. Process of drawing of accounts becomes simpler, management of consumption of utilities up to individual shutdown of resources is provided to non-payers. A system allows residents to see in personal accounts on the Internet portal indicators of consumption of energy resources, information on accounts, payments, notifications about breaks of pipes, open cranes.

Development of QTECH differs from KUR presented at the AIIS market in existence of functionality of the smart home. Due to use of the intelligent QTECH Smart Home Router router accounting of energy resources is combined with temperature monitoring, management of lighting, a security system and other devices. All sensors and devices united in a home network become available to users of QTECH SEL from mobile devices.

"Effective use of energy resources is possible only at implementation of innovations in the field of accounting and control of consumption. Being guided by new trends of IT market, the QTECH company integrates in one system modern developments in the field of telecommunications, accounting of energy resources and technologies of the smart home. QTECH SEL not only controls resource consumption, but also provides all range of digital services, from wireless Internet access to control of home devices, sensors and devices.
Use of a new multifunction system increases efficiency of management companies and condominium due to optimization of a consumption of energy resources, growth of collecting of utility payments and simplification of interaction with residents. The innovative development of QTECH minimizes utility costs of Russians, provides control and security of housing" — Choubin Sergej, the Director of products of QTECH company emphasized.