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Raritan CommandCenter

Developers: Raritan
Branches: Telecommunication and communication
Technology: Network Health Monitoring - Monitoring of network or management of health performance of IT Infrastructure,  Data processing centers are technologies for DPC

Products of the CommandCenter trademark are developed by Raritan company for a possibility of full control over computing infrastructure of the enterprise by means of the organization and providing the centralized access to very large number (tens and hundreds of thousands) of devices (servers and network components), united in uniform structure using console or KVM switches.

Raritan CommandCenter NOC 250 is the gateway providing remote control with nodes of network infrastructure via the KVM switches and console switches.

Besides that they considerably simplify service of big and complex structures, their implementation brings considerable economic benefits and increases efficiency of work with personnel. Products of the CommandCenter trademark are developed by Raritan company for a possibility of full control over computing infrastructure of the enterprise by means of the organization and providing the centralized access to very large number (tens and hundreds of thousands) of devices (servers and network components), united in uniform structure using console or KVM switches.

Raritan CommandCenter NOC 250 is the gateway providing remote control with nodes of network infrastructure via the KVM switches and console switches

Besides that they considerably simplify service of big and complex structures, their implementation brings considerable economic benefits and increases efficiency of work with personnel.

As a rule, we test devices in our laboratory, creating under them special stands. But in this case it was decided to study possibilities of the considered product in actual practice as managed C an object is located its help very far (in other country), moreover – it is a part of the functioning infrastructure which interaction with nodes was made via the Internet.

To be fair It should be noted that a set of the managed nodes represented the test polygon used by specialists for a running in of different technologies. Nevertheless a big set of the full-function servers and network devices configured under accomplishment of versatile functions and in accuracy modeling a complex of data processing of the enterprise or small corporation was its part.

Actually this testing came down to remote connection with the granted access rights and to a research of control functions by the equipment via a secure channel. Besides, stability of communication and reaction of a management system to probable non-staff situations, for example a sudden rupture of connection and also an opportunity for work on different channels – on the switched and dedicated lines (ADSL, dial-up), by Wi-fi (through a point of a public access) and GPRS using the desktop computer, the notebook and Pocket PC were checked.

But before telling about the received results, it is worth giving short characteristic of the product which helped with carrying out our experiences. Raritan CommandCenter NOC 250

Products of the CommandCenter trademark are developed by Raritan company for a possibility of full control over computing infrastructure of the enterprise by means of the organization and providing the centralized access to very large number (tens and hundreds of thousands) of devices (servers and network components), united in uniform structure using console or KVM switches.

Raritan CommandCenter NOC 250 is the gateway providing remote control with nodes of network infrastructure via the KVM switches and console switches

In fact, CommandCenter represents the centralized gateway for control, diagnostics and the solution of possible problems of big network from one IP address. At the same time the device groups access to numerous remote or local information centers. CommandCenter contains a set of the built-in diagnostic functions delivering the current information on operability of all connected equipment, including the message about a system status and signals of the arising faults.

One more useful function of "the command center" is existence of management tools events with a possibility of registration of activity. Besides, the configured functions of status monitoring of a system, the block of the alarm signaling and a multilevel security service with accurately traced reporting are available to the user. The built-in support of mini-programs (applets) ensures functioning with control devices power supply using the graphical interface.

On the back panel of the device all necessary connectors are placed, two network ports are initially available, but in need of them it is possible to add with one more LAN controller

Necessary level of data protection is reached due to support of the most widespread authentication protocols – RADIUS, the Active Directory, (LDAPS), TACACS+ and others, connection is controlled by the SSL system with 128-bit public key of RSA and coding by 128-bit secret key. There is also centralized strategy of security with differentiation of user rights.

All these opportunities are implemented by means of Web access to the console through a virtual private network (VPN), WAN or LAN and even the modem (in critical situations) at the level of BIOS that allows to reboot and recover servers even at idle network. Additional measures provide protection against failures, among them use of the duplicated power source, hard drives and reserve network adapters.

The device is constructed on the basis of the Intel processor Pentium III (1 GHz), equipped with memory error correcting of 512 MB and functions running Linux OS based on a core with the architecture protected from cracking.


First of all we will note that work did not represent any complexity. After connection of a test account it is only necessary to load the Web browser and to gather a node address. After adoption of the provided certificate in a window there was a menu allowing to perform available operations. As like those also the stop of servers, viewing settings of network devices, condition monitoring of network – generally, all range of the commands which are daily performed by the system administrator were launched.

Access to the gateway is provided by means of the Web interface, and management even from a personal communicator is possible (the smartphone, the CPC, etc.)

All transactions were executed without complaints, and It should be noted high stability of work and high-speed performance: even at connection on low-speed links in field conditions there were no problems. In cases of loss of communication of difficulties with repeated connection also did not arise, work with the device was continued from the same place on which the previous session was interrupted. And here interaction with a system using the CPC (Pocket PC) leaves much to be desired – the small size of the screen which is not containing all information affects. Nevertheless as a last resort such option of management is quite possible as, except need of frequent scrolling of the screen, other inconveniences it is not revealed. Lineup of the CommandCenter NOC family:

NOC 100, NOC 250 and NOC 2500 devices CC are presented at the Russian market:

  • CommandCenter NOC 100 - Supports up to 100 client PCs, 10 servers and 10 network devices.
  • CommandCenter NOC 250 - Supports up to 250 client PCs, 25 servers and 25 network devices.
  • CommandCenter NOC 2500 - It is developed for large corporations and supports up to 2500 client PCs, 250 servers and 250 distributed network devices.

These hardware and software systems combine the following functional characteristics in one device:

  • Network management - Provides a possibility of permanent monitoring and support of all devices and services in network and also allows to signal about all changes in an environment.
  • Systems management of Windows - Gives to network administrators an ability to manage the North and workstations, providing uniform storage of work, tools and data on events.
  • Search and assessment of vulnerabilities - Gives an opportunity of scanning of network regarding vulnerabilities helps network administrators with problem solving with security.
  • Detection of invasions - Allows administrators to monitor system events and to analyze them regarding unauthorized access attempts to system resources.
  • The analysis of network traffic - Gives an opportunity to analyze passing of traffic and to create reports on existence, absence, quantity and frequency of network traffic.
  • Tracking of tools - Gives to administrators an opportunity on demand to create reports on hardware and program tools.

CommandCenter groups access to numerous remote or local information centers, providing the intelligent centralized gateway for control, diagnostics and problem solving of the whole network from one IP address. CommandCenter contains the built-in diagnostic functions delivering the current information on operability of all available devices - including, messages about a system status and signals of the faults arising in it.

CommandCenter combines powerful tools of event management with the activity registration functions configured by the user opportunities of status monitoring of a system, an alarm system and multi-layer system of security with accurately traced reporting and also support of the most widespread authentication protocols - RADIUS, the Active Directory, (LDAPS), TACACS+ and others.

Opportunities program apparatnykhkompleksov CommandCenter NOC:

  • Reports, asset management and IT compliance - Provides reports so that you understand how your network works and whether it meets safety requirements IT. Providing by the CommandCenter NOC device of information on system operation will allow you to make the weighed decisions.
  • Reliability of infrastructure, the analysis and performance improvement - you can control and support proactively your network and define problems, is frequent before someone notices deteriorations in work. CommandCenter NOC will allow your infrastructure of IT and to work as your employee at full capacity.
  • System and network security - Hackers, worms and other security risks can get into your network without your permission. CommandCenter NOC allows to run for search.

Technical characteristics of hardware and software systems of the CommandCenter NOC family:

The general:

* Form factor: height 1U; * Size: 563 mm (width) x 440 mm (depth) x 44 mm (height); * Power supply: The reserved Power supply with hot swap, 110/220B - 2.0A; * KVM port of the Administrator: 1; * Serial port of the Administrator: 1.

Indoor equipment:

* Processor: Intel Pentium III 1 GHz; * RAM memory: 512Mb error correcting (ECC); * Ethernet interface: Two 10/100 Ethernet of the controller; * Hard drive and controller: ATA RAID-1 board with two 40GB ATA devices; * CD ROM device: Slot-load 40x read-only; * Console: DB-9, RS232 port.

Remote connection:

* Network: 10/100 Ethernet (RJ45 connector); * Modem: V.92 (56Kbps); RJ-11 connector; * Protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, RADIUS, SNMP, SNTP, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS.

Summing up the results, we will note that remote control systems infrastructure of the enterprise are not a modern toy any more. Besides that they considerably simplify service of big and complex structures, their implementation brings considerable economic benefits and increases efficiency of work with personnel. And that such systems perfectly function in actual practice we were convinced, having held this small testing.

Source: "Computer Review"