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Reinvented Toilet

Developers: Samsung Electronics
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2022
Branches: Consumer goods

Main article: Smart Toilets

2022: Product Creation

On August 25, 2022, Samsung Electronics announced the completion of a project to create an innovative toilet, created with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The development was called Reinvented Toilet. With its help, solid waste is burned and liquid waste is recycled.

As part of this project, Samsung, through its research organization Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, has developed heat and bio-treatment technology to eliminate pathogens from human waste and ensure the safety of emitted wastewater and solids for the environment. As a result, the system allows the purified water to be completely recycled. Solid waste is dehydrated, dried and incinerated, and liquid waste is processed during biological treatment.

Reinvented Toilet

Thus, the created toilet does not need to be connected to the sewer. Reinvented Toilet is safe for ecology and residents, and also keeps water waste to a minimum.

Bill Gates over several years invested more than $200 million in Reinvented Toilet for research and design. Samsung by the end of August 2022 said nothing about sales of such toilets. However, the company will distribute patents for this development to developing countries for free. It is known that work on the project began back in 2011. The manufacturer added that the product is fully ready for commercial distribution.

Bill Gates invests $200M in Reinvented Toilet

According to the World Health Organization and UNICEF, which Samsung brought in at the end of August 2022, about 3.6 billion people are forced to use unsafe sanitary systems, as a result of which half a million children under the age of 5 die from diarrheal diseases every year due to lack of access to safe water and hygiene products.[1]
