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RosData Center Voluntary Data Center Certification System

Developers: Data Center Industry Association
Date of the premiere of the system: 2021/05/31

Main article: Data center (data center)

2021: Creation and registration of the RosData Center system in Rosstandart

Data Center Industry Association, continuing its long-term activity to form the foundations of standardization, Russian data center industry May 31, 2021 announced the creation and registration Rosstandart under the number ROSS RU.M2453.04DOD0 Data Center of the RosData Center Voluntary Certification System.

The system has received a conformity mark that will serve the purpose of identifying products, goods and services undergoing voluntary certification procedures at ROsData Center, confirming their compliance with the certification requirements of the system.

The main basis for determining conformity in voluntary certification will be existing and developing national standards for the data center industry, as well as international, interstate standards, standards of enterprises, professional associations, sets of rules, terms of contracts.

The owner of the system will be the Association of Industry Participants, the DPC nearest Congress of which will elect the Governing Body of the RosData Center. Its main tasks will include the formation of a strategy for the development of the system, the establishment of rules for the operation of the system and interaction between its participants, the approval of tariff policies and other issues of management and coordination of the activities of the RosData Center.

To create, update and maintain a methodological basis for voluntary certification, a Scientific and Methodological Center will be created at the RosData Center Governing Body, and an Appeals Commission will be created to conduct claim work.

The ROsData Center system is open for the participation of any individuals and legal entities: certification bodies, testing laboratories, training centers and consulting companies, which, after passing internal certification procedures in the ROsData Center system, will be able to implement certification actions, train certification experts and help applicants - customers of the system prepare for certification.

In the near future, ROsData Center plans to prepare an impressive package of internal organizational and methodological documents that will start real work on certification and launch the mechanism for the functioning of the ROsData Center industry voluntary certification system and conduct the first certification actions in 2021. As of May, there are already requests for voluntary certification under the current national data center standards.