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Roselectronics: Cesium primary reference sources

Developers: Source of NPP named after Shokin, Roselectronics (Russian Electronics)
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2024
Branches: Telecommunications and Communications,  Electrical and Microelectronics

2024: Product Announcement

In August 2024, Russia released the first domestic telecommunications equipment for high-precision synchronization of digital communication networks. The new development, created by the Roselectronics holding of the Rostec state corporation, is a cesium primary reference source of frequency and time, designed to replace analogues of foreign production.

According to the press service of Rostec, the device has no domestic analogues and is able to ensure the synchronization of equipment in mobile networks, data centers, metrological and space systems. The basis of the device is an atomic beam tube using cesium, which makes it possible to generate highly stable signals with maximum accuracy. These reference signals are necessary for the configuration and verification of telecommunications equipment, ensuring its uninterrupted and accurate operation.

source = Rostec
The first Russian telecom equipment for high-precision synchronization of digital communication networks has been released

The development of new equipment was carried out by specialists of NPP "Istok" named after Shokin. The device passed all the necessary tests and was certified as a primary reference source, which made it possible to enter it into the State Register of Measuring Instruments. The main advantage of the new frequency source is its independence from imported components, since all key components of the device are produced directly at the enterprise.

Vitaly Alexandrov, Director for Digital Transformation at NPP Istok named after Shokin, noted that earlier Russian telecom operators used foreign cesium reference frequency sources to synchronize network equipment. However, the service life of such devices is limited, and there were no analogues on the Russian market that could replace imported equipment. The new device, developed for civilian customers based on experience in creating frequency standards for special-purpose communications equipment, was the first domestic solution of this level.[1]
