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SAP Payment Engine

The name of the base system (platform): SAP NetWeaver
Developers: SAP SE
Last Release Date: 2015/12/12
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: SaaS - The software as service,  core banking systems are the Automated banking systems

SAP Payment Engine - completely SEPA compatible addition to a bank payment platform of SAP for payments.

2019: In composition of carrying out gross calculations in real time from Accenture

On November 26, 2019 the company Accenture reported that together with R3 and SAP the pilot systems of carrying out gross calculations in real time (RTGS, real-time gross settlement) based on technology of the distributed registers developed. Development will allow to optimize processes of calculations between banks and clients, making payments quicker, more reliably and more safely. In the solution SAP application of Payment Engine which serves as the central engine for initiation, processing, clearing and carrying out calculations is used. In more detail here.


According to information for July, 2016 the product is focused on use in financial credit institutions, banks, with large volumes of transactions.

Chart of interaction of SAP Payment Engine, (2015)

Requirements of efficiency of payments, especially in the light of compliance of SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area is a uniform zone of payments in euro) can regularly change, as well as some other periodic changes in the regulatory base - they result in need of additional adjustments of the software.

To the banks which are already working with modules of the bank SAP platform (SAP Deposits Management for Banking or SAP Loans Management for Banking) or planning it, the company offered upgrade of the operating payment system on SAP Payment Engine. According to statements of the company, it will help to increase operational efficiency by means of accumulation of performance and rapid response to changes, like start of fresh banking products.