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SIGMA. Ediservice

Developers: Sigma Operator of electronic document management
Date of the premiere of the system: 10.2014
Technology: SCM,  SRM - Vendor relationship management,  SaaS is the Software as service,  EDMS

In October, 2014, the SIGMA company presented cloud the EDI solution Ediservice which allowed buyers and suppliers to cooperate and exchange the data providing increase in business performance without expensive investments in program and the hardware, thereby having provided the easy and fast instrument of communication for the small, medium-sized and large companies.

The Ediservice is B2B service of electronic document management. It is intended for process automation of purchases and sales, from formation of the order before payment of goods, including shipping control and goods acceptances. With its help the companies can provide to the clients a show-window of the goods and take orders round the clock.

The portal of the supplier on order management The producer receives a cloud service through which he can manage the directory of the goods, relationship with the buyers (to look for and invite them to work), to manage the prices, discounts, orders, through "one window" in a uniform format and also an opportunity to conduct legally significant document flow in electronic form.

Electronic system of order placement A system is simple in use and allows buyers to reduce time at order placement and search of necessary information. In a system are available: verification of presence and costs of goods, independent tracking of shipment and delivery and also search, viewing and unloading of invoices.

Portal of the buyer System of the class Supplier Relationship Management (SRM). The buyer receives a cloud service through which he can manage relationship with the suppliers (to look for and invite them to work), to conduct document flow with suppliers in electronic form, to place orders and to monitor their accomplishment, to manage supply chains.

Service of obtaining orders A system allows your suppliers to receive the automatic notification on E-mail at receipt of the new order, to execute order processing, to create response documents. There is an opportunity to exchange legally significant documents. Any number of partners can be connected to service.

The model of service SaaS does not require one-time large investments into IT infrastructure as it does not mean purchase of either the expensive equipment, or software. At the same time, the system of a subscription to Ediservice provides predictability and transparency of payments.