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Seller24 Platform

Developers: Seller24 (Bispoak Rus)
Last Release Date: 2024/05/24
Branches: Internet services
Technology: BI


Main article: Definition of Business Intelligence


Add Financials

Russian Seller24 On May 24, 2024, the developer announced the release of the "" section in the Finance internal analytics and business management platform on Seller24 Platform marketplaces. This function will allow sellers to get financial indicators in a few clicks - in fact, the profit and loss statement (PnL) of the business, taking into account variables and constant costs at the level of the seller's office Ozon and. Wildberries

This report is key in the entrepreneur's work, as it shows the real state of the business and the difference between expenses and revenues for the selected period. Most experienced sellers on marketplaces regularly collect such a document manually in Excel or Google tables and spend considerable time preparing it.

We heard the wishes of sellers and, in order to solve their problem with labor costs for preparing the report, we developed a Finance section in Seller24 Platform, "said Boris Oblomsky, Seller24 Product Director. - This section accumulates data on sales, cost of goods, logistics costs, commissions, storage and promotion from the office on the marketplace. The user will have to enter information about other costs, for example, PHY, the cost of renting a warehouse or office, and others, in order to get a calculation of net profit. The report is available to users on request from the manager.

The updated functionality will allow sellers to receive reports on all offices in one window. The received reports can be compared by periods, and for greater clarity in the next release, the platform will highlight the dynamics for each indicator monthly for a long period (six months, a year, etc.).

Ability to calculate unit economics and margin profit in terms of goods

Russian developer Seller24 February 8, 2024 announced the updated release of the Seller24 Platform product - an internal analytics platform for managing business performance and sales growth in marketplaces. The main changes affected the unit economy tool, which allows you to understand pricing in more detail, assess the effectiveness of participation in promotions advertizing and campaigns.

Seller24 Platform solves several key tasks of beginners and experienced sellers - it provides detailed information about the financial condition and potential of the business on marketplaces, helps to quickly find bottlenecks and points of growth, and then systematically grow revenue and net profit on marketplaces.

In our experience, 8 out of 10 sellers on marketplaces trade at a loss. This happens, for example, when a seller enters shares without calculating the margin or does not take into account all cost items in pricing, or does not control the DRR for all advertising campaigns at the level of each product, said Seller24 Product Director Boris Oblomsky. - Therefore, there is a need for a solution that can clearly show the seller the real state of its affairs, and most importantly, it will help to find and realize points of revenue and net profit growth on all major marketplaces.

The functionality of Seller24 Platform allows you to calculate the unit economy and margin profit in terms of goods, manage supplies and expand them to regions (increase regional sales and localization index), segment the range (conduct abc-analysis and turnover analysis), assess the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and receive important notifications about critical changes in business indicators. The platform receives data by, API algorithms analyzes the information received, and then the seller receives understandable reports and recommendations, on the basis of which he can make competent management decisions.

This is a radically different tool. Now it is more functional, flexible in settings, closes more seller scripts on pricing and answers their questions: what price do I need to set in order to get a given rate of return; how much will I earn if I bid X; how the discount or markup will affect my margin; is it worth going into stocks at current prices and what price needs to be set in order to launch advertising campaigns profitably, "said Boris Oblomsky, Seller24 product director.

Also in the updated report, flexible selection and calculation settings appeared: for example, you can select the least marginal goods, or goods of a certain ABC analysis category and add a discount or markup, additional expenses, share of advertising costs, tax rate, manually edit calculated prices, and then upload all calculations to Excel, and update prices on marketplaces.

The update has been tested on existing sellers and is already available to all Seller24 Platform users for February 2024.