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Signify Light solutions UV-C for disinfection of air and surfaces

Developers: Signify (before Philips Lighting)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/07/07
Branches: Show business, leisure, sport,  Science and education,  Trade,  Transport,  Tourism, hotel and restaurant business

2020: Output to the market of 12 lines of UV-C of solutions

On July 7, 2020 the Signify company announced increase in production of UV-C of lighting and expansion of the range of products which can help with fight against a coronavirus. Ultra-violet illumination of Signify proved as good disinfectant. It was confirmed during laboratory tests of Boston University which showed that Signify UV sources quickly inactivate the virus causing COVID-19. The solutions of Signify presented by UV-C include lamps and cameras for a broad spectrum of application in a professional segment.

Signify expanded the UV-C portfolio of solutions for disinfection of air and surfaces
"We bring to the market of 12 lines of UV-C of the solutions intended for disinfection of air and surfaces. They are focused on different scopes - from offices, schools, gyms, retail stores and warehouses to public transport",

'Harsh Chitale, the head of department of digital solutions Signify noted'

According to the producer, UV-C lamps are suitable for deep disinfection of surfaces at offices, schools and public toilets. Each device is equipped with the motion sensor and control block that ensures its functioning only in the absence of people and animals. Portable autonomous UV-C of installation can be used for disinfection of surfaces in the hotel room or in public transport - for example, in buses and trains.

For fast and safe disinfection of the small objects Signify starts a line of UV-C of cameras. They are used at offices and municipal buildings for fast disinfecting of labels, phones, bags, notebooks and purses of visitors. In shops they are suitable for return disinfection and also the clothes or accessories which are tried on in a locker room.

According to the statement of the producer, UV-C lamps can also be used in disinfection tunnels. As of July, 2020 such method of processing of surfaces is tested by one retailer in North America for disinfection of carts. In India the Signify tunnel is going to be used by UV-C in hotel for disinfection of bags of guests at registration.