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Silent Barker (satellite constellation)

Developers: United States Space Force
Branches: Space industry

2023: Preparing to Launch Satellites

On June 7, 2023, it became known that the United States will deploy the Silent Barker satellite constellation, designed to "timely detect threats" in outer space. We are talking, in particular, about tracking Chinese and Russian spacecraft.

According to Bloomberg, Silent Barker satellites will be located at an altitude of approximately 35.4 thousand km above the Earth. The project is being implemented by the Space Force in conjunction with the US National Office of Military Space Intelligence. The devices are planned to be launched aboard the Atlas V launch vehicle: United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin, will be responsible for the launch. The launch of satellites into orbit will take place "after July 2023," but a more accurate date has not been disclosed.

US deploys Silent Barker satellite constellation

Silent Barker's network is said to eliminate the limitations of ground-based or low-orbit surveillance systems and allow the U.S. to more effectively track other states' activities in outer space.

The new group will significantly increase the ability of the Space Force to track enemy satellites in orbit that could pose a threat to US spacecraft, said Sarah Mineiro, a former lead officer in the strategic division of the US House Committee on Armed Forces.

Silent Barker is a response to efforts by other countries to develop systems capable of destroying or disabling satellites in orbit. The apparatus of the US Director of National Intelligence in its annual threat assessment said that China has weapons designed to destroy American satellites, as well as allied spacecraft. At the same time, it is alleged that "space operations will be an integral part of potential military campaigns" of the People's Liberation Army of China.[1]
