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Smart Heart Control Patch

Developers: Songkyunkwan University
Date of the premiere of the system: September 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Product Announcement

In early September 2023, South Korean researchers from Songyungwan University, the Institute of Basic Sciences and other organizations reported on the development of a new type of epicardial patch designed to accurately detect heart disease. The product will help doctors diagnose and treat various diseases, including arrhythmia and myocardial infarctions.

Placement of traditional epicardial patches near or directly on the heart requires suturing. This is a laborious task, with certain risks. In addition, with prolonged use of the products, their physical characteristics deteriorate, which leads to a gap between the patch and the heart tissue. As a result, diagnosis is difficult, and the quality of therapy deteriorates.

Plaster Operation Diagram

A new type of patch allows you to bypass existing restrictions. It has a three-layer structure based on different materials - a special composite, a mesh substrate and an ionic adhesive. One of the features of the product is that no sutures are required for its use: the adhesive component performs the functions of an adhesive. Such a patch does not exert unnecessary pressure on the tissues of the heart when used for long periods of time, which can improve safety and effectiveness.

Unlike other epicardial patches with conventional electrodes, the new solution contains liquid metal electrodes that provide higher reliability and stability when monitoring cardiac signals. Moreover, the patch is able to correct the heart rhythm if necessary.

Our stretchable epicardial patch has electrical bidirectional functions that provide accurate diagnosis and feedback therapy for cardiovascular disease, "said Professor Donghee Son, one of the authors of the work.[1]
