Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Smart Queue System

Developers: DIIP 2000
Technology: SUO - Management systems for queue

The management system for queue of Smart Queue System 4 allows to organize customer service at qualitatively new level, to get rid of queues and also to solve a problem of control and accounting of labor productivity of personnel.

Opportunities and advantages

The main objective of SUO – to make customer service fast, qualitative and well organized, to create comfortable conditions - both for work of personnel, and for clients who expect the queue. Use of SUO allows to get rid of queues, it is essential to reduce time which is spent for service, to evenly distribute load of operators.

Clients select necessary services from the multilevel list. On each service / transaction the priority from 0 to 10 where 10 – the top priority is established. In need of rendering an additional service the client can be transferred to the following window. As different time is spent for carrying out different transactions and services, more enduring transactions can be serviced by a large number of cashiers. Besides, thanks to such distribution regulation of the working day both for personnel, and for the organization in general is easily performed.

If necessary it is possible to set a repeated call of the client who did not approach in time – to 3 times. After carrying out transaction the client can always estimate service quality.

Appearance of the coupon with number of queue, the menu of transactions and services on the terminal screen, a type of an information display can be created at desire and standards of Bank or other organization. Also on a board advertizing filmlets can be broadcast; on creeping lines – any other information. All promotional materials are easily browsed in a zone where the client expects the queue.

Editing all components of a system, administration of the server, adding and removal of services/transactions can are performed far off, using "the virtual control panel". Besides, it is easy to change and edit all parameters online. The interface of setup simple and intuitive, is available the built-in help. In case of unauthorized shutdown all information and settings will be saved, and a system will be completely recovered.

Thanks to SUO you will be able to control work of each operator in real time, to know about quantity and quality of the rendered services and also about the number of the expecting clients. You will be able to obtain statistical information on work of each employee and the organization in general, to estimate it and to effectively plan optimization and distribution of labor resources.

Functions and characteristics

Booth of coupons

Allows to select necessary service and to receive the coupon on service where will be specified the name of service, the customer number in queues and the number of the people who are in queue before the client, the current time and approximate waiting time, etc. information. At accomplishment of setup of time of the working day issue of coupons stops automatically at some point. In the absence of the servicing operator coupons on this service will not be issued. Individual preference for each service – and, respectively, change of range of numbers of coupons is possible.

The ergonomic and elegant design of the booth will perfectly fit into any interior and will not take a lot of place. It is quickly mounted.

You can connect several booths (or dispensers of coupons) and also to use booths of different modifications – separate, colored in any color at the request of the customer; built in an interior; anti-vandal.

The main board - LED or a LCD panel

Is established in a waiting zone, in the place, comfortable for viewing. By the client's call on a board number of its queue and a window to which it is necessary to be suitable for service is highlighted. The blinking indication is followed by a gong or a melodious female voice. A design of a board can be a miscellaneous. If in waiting time on a board the advertizing filmlet with a soundtrack is shown, then by a call of the next client there is automatic lowering of volume.

Connection of several main boards – 2 or 5 lower case, several LCD panels, 3rd and 4th character LED and also matrix with an output of creeping line is possible.

Board of the operator

It can be regular boards on a light emitting diode matrix, LCD monitors, or plasma display panels. Boards are located over windows of service and show number of a window and the serviced number; by a call of the new client information on a board blinks.

Boards can join and be switched off at presence/absence of the operator in a system.

The operator console – button or virtual

Attendant workstation is equipped with the call panel. The client following in turn is called by clicking of the corresponding button. On the screen of the panel number of the serviced client, a number of people in queue, and other information can be displayed. If necessary using the panel it is possible to translate the client for service of other transaction without obtaining the additional coupon.

Server of an e-queue system

SUO is controlled the server. The server is the computer working running Windows XP. As the server it is possible to use the customer's computer. It is possible to change components of a system without stopping SUO.


Software of queue management and call of clients it is intended for optimum allocation of a flow of clients between operators and also for collecting and providing reports – statistical information on system operation.

In addition

  • stereo speakers,
  • metalwork for fastening of a board of the operator, the main board, a LCD panel,
  • the amplifier of a control signal for each LCD panel,
  • transformer of the RS 232-RS 485 interface,
  • additional set of cables,
  • paper for a dispensor of coupons, 80mm*120mm (the thermal paper easily available on sale is used),
  • the panel of the customer service quality assessment system (CSQAS) with voice,
  • basic software (Server and Administrator)
  • takzhevozmozhno connection of the card reader.

Additional functionality

  • Management of flows of clients in real time;
  • readdressing of clients on other transactions;
  • setting in queue: "queue", "beginning of queue", "end of queue";
  • autoregistration of clients;
  • "postponed client" function: return besides to the operator through the set period;
  • identification of VIP clients using the card reader;
  • use of templates of appearance of the booth of coupons with a possibility of remote replacement on remote terminals;
  • possibility of change of a type of the coupon (loading of logos, sequence number of the client in queues, the number of clients in queues, approximate waiting time, time and date of issue of the coupon, a transaction type, additional text information, a possibility of an output of different information for each transaction, any size variation and a type of a font);
  • possibility of use of virtual panels with advanced functionality;
  • customer service quality evaluation with display of rating of each operator;
  • possibility of the detailed description of a route to the necessary operator (the floor, the hall, an office, a window, the operator);
  • identification of the operator in a system by the password;
  • preserving of base by the worker at a software update;
  • different types of printing of the coupon (fast printing);
  • possibility of broadcasting on a LCD panel of advertizing filmlets of different formats: avi, wav, divx, xvid, mp4, mpeg, etc.;
  • output of creeping line;
  • completely Russian-language interface;
  • color indication of a status of queue (the notification about exceeding of waiting time and service);
  • output of reports for any period on transactions, on employees, on the operator separately, according to coupons, the general report, the history of the coupon, waiting time of clients through the set intervals;
  • possibility of remote unloading of reports on several branches;
  • export of reports to the MS Excel, PDF without additional installation of these applications.