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Smell Assessment Test

Developers: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (First Moscow State Medical University)
Date of the premiere of the system: August 2023
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2023: Product Announcement

Sechenov University has developed the first domestic test to assess smell. The press service of the university announced this at the end of August 2023.

The test evaluates the sense of smell by points and is based on machine learning. It includes 20 recognizable odors such as coffee, orange, garlic and others. The new technology will give doctors the ability to more effectively treat people with olfactory disorders and conduct more accurate scientific research.

The first domestic test for assessing smell has been developed

Prior to that, foreign tests were used in Russia, but they did not take into account Russian realities and smells. The new test allows you to diagnose your sense of smell with accuracy on a 45-point scale. The use of the test simplifies primary diagnosis, helps track patient recovery, and also makes clinical studies more effective, as it makes it possible to more accurately assess the effect of a particular drug on nasal function.

As noted at Sechenov University, in the future, the developed technology can form the basis of a medical device. Scientists hope that a new way to assess smell will be in demand in the provision of inpatient and outpatient care, in the development of new drugs and treatments. Such testing will be useful for people who have lost their sense of smell after allergies, injuries, influenza, previous infection, COVID-19 polypous rhinosinusitis. In addition, the test will help assess the level of smell in patients with neurological diseases, in particular Parkinson's diseases with and, Alzheimer since impaired smell can be one of the markers of these diseases.

At the moment, two foreign tests have been adopted as the gold standard in the world. But in Russia they are not registered and are not supplied to our country. And most importantly, they are not suitable for the Russian population, since few of our patients can recognize the smell of licorice, anise, cheddar cheese or punch. Therefore, we decided to develop our own test. This became even more relevant after the coronavirus pandemic, when many lost their sense of smell, we tried to return it and needed to constantly assess the level of olfactory function, - said the ENT doctor, Ph.D., assistant at the Department of Ear, Throat and Nose Diseases of the Institute of Clinical Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky Lilia Seleznyova at the end of August 2023[1]