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The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: SoMin
Last Release Date: 2021/02/08
Branches: Advertizing, PR and marketing is the platform on setup of targeted advertizing.

2021: Access to GPT-3 neuronet

The project of the employee of laboratory of machine learning of the ITMO University, professor Alexander Farseev of became the official partner of the OpenAI company founded by Elon Musk. The University reported about it on February 8, 2021. Alexander's team got access to a neuronet of GPT-3 which is able to create content almost indistinguishable from creativity of the person.

Access to GPT-3 has limited number of the companies and universities. All of them can use a neuronet for the projects which underwent tough selection. Then scientists and developers can use OpenAI creations, in exchange providing a feedback and data of the researches. will use GPT-3 for generation of advertizing content.

Marketing specialists will be able to create only the initial version of content, and GPT-3 will develop hundreds of options intended for specific categories of users and for permanent updating of advertizing publications on its basis — Alexander Farseev specifies. — For this purpose algorithms will be adapted by laboratory of machine learning of ITMO and Having such quantity of various content, Facebook or Google will be able to foretell what specifically to users will like this or that option. It will make advertizing more effective in terms of a scope, clicks, and as an ultimate goal, conversion. The OpenAI command liked the platform, also they estimated complexity and feature of problems in the field of Digital Signage which she solves. Therefore they gave us access to GPT-3 and hope for further joint development of the project using GPT-3 model for marketing tasks. For February, 2021 we carry out final tests and in the coming month we will release the commercial beta of a product.