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Soglasie Insurance

Developers: Consent of SK
Last Release Date: 2019/09/12
Branches: Insurance


Soglasie Insurance - mobile application.


Interactive explosion scheme

On September 12, 2019 the company Soglasie reported that in updated application for insurance experts appeared interactive explosion scheme. Now it is possible to select the victim's model from road accident car or the motorcycle and to specify the damaged parts directly on the scheme in the appendix. It will allow to calculate more precisely the amount of payment on CMTPL, and clients will quicker receive the approved inspection report and payments. Schemes Ford Hyundai, KIA and other brands of machines — all for September, 2019 2500 models are available (the supplier data — SilverDAT). The project and mobile the application are developed by the company Redmadrobot.

Explosion scheme of a front part of Toyota Land Cruiser 200
Explosion scheme of a front part of Toyota Land Cruiser 200

According to the company, having arrived to the place of road accident, the expert using mobile application performs inspection of the vehicle and makes out the request for compensation of damage: photographs a car, selects the necessary brand and model and points the damaged parts to explosion scheme. For each part the application offers possible types of repair work: diagnostics, painting, repair or replacement. The request is checked in a back office, then data are directly loaded into the program for calculation of damage.

The expert selects the brand and model of the machine, the damaged parts and the necessary types of repair
The expert selects the brand and model of the machine, the damaged parts and the necessary types of repair

After information processing to the expert the inspection report comes with exact data and the amount of repair which the insurance company is ready to compensate. In case of consent with calculations, the client on site signs the agreement on fast payment. At the same time, waiting time is reduced by the client of the exact amount and the Act from several days till several o'clock (in comparison with the previous process).

The scheme of the car on the standard Inspection report
Earlier the expert wrote data on damage in the paper inspection report. Marks about damages were specified on the standard circuit of the car, without features of specific model. After filling and signing of the inspection report the expert went with documents to office. There checked correctness of filling of documents, manually entered data in the program for calculation of damage and sent to the client the letter with the offer on a compensation amount.

Sergey Dryga, the project manager of Redmadrobot told

Using Redmadrobot we could transfer explosion scheme of cars to mobile application. For this purpose we were integrated with SilverDAT and developed a user-friendly interface in which to specify damages even quicker, than in the web version.

Sergey Kovalyov, the director of the department of department of information technologies of Soglasie insurance company told

Direct integration of mobile application and SilverDAT allows to avoid repeated information input from inspection of the vehicle. As a result the term of calculation of repair cost is considerably reduced.

Oleg Baznikin, the commercial director of DAT company in Russia told

For September, 2019 in the application explosion scheme of 60 producers of cars, motorcycles, minibuses and even a mobile house are available: 2500 models and 20-30 constructive groups in each model.

Implementation in mobile application of Smart IDReader technology

On May 31, 2019 the company Smart Engines reported that thanks to a sensing technology of certifying documents Smart IDReader time for a registration and prolongation of policies CMTPL in updated mobile application insurance the companies "Soglasie" is reduced twice. On average for purchase of the policy the client will spend from 3 to 5 minutes, for prolongation – less than a minute.

The Smart IDReader technology is developed by Smart Engines company. She allows to distinguish passport details, car driver licenses, the passport of the vehicle, the registration certificate of the vehicle and diagnostic cards. It is enough to client to photograph documents – Smart IDReader will recognize necessary data and will enter them to the necessary fields for further execution of the policy.

Mobile application "Soglasie insurance" is available in App Store and Google Play. It provides multifunction online access to services for all clients. The SOS button for an emergency communication with Soglasie insurance company is provided in the application, the insurer reports.

An opportunity to announce an insured event on the Comprehensive insurance right after road accident

On January 22, 2019 the Soglasie company announced that her clients received the additional channel of the notification about insurance events. Now it is possible to announce an insured event on a comprehensive insurance at any time using mobile application "Soglasie Insurance". The client does not need to call in the company for the statement for approach of an event and to come to office behind the direction on repair — it can go to STOA at once, having taken with itself(himself) originals of necessary documents.

"Soglasie Insurance"

In case of road accident, illegal acts of the third parties, a natural disaster or the fire the client clicks "SOS" and selects the option "Issue an Insured Event". Further the client needs to answer several questions of circumstances of incident, to photograph the vehicle with damages, documents and to send the request. Mobile application also helps the client to estimate whether there corresponds road accident to conditions of action of the European Accident Statement on the CMTPL.

SOS button

The option will be available even if there is no mobile communication (in offline mode). All information entered by the client remains in mobile application and automatically goes to the company when cellular communication or access to Wi-Fi appears.

The client can submit the application to insurance company using mobile application and if he left the scene (for this purpose there will be a special question).

Mobile application "Soglasie Insurance" is available in App Store and Google Play.