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TAB Reader

Developers: Date of Ist (Data East)
Technology: GIS - Geographic information systems,  Satellite communication and navigation


About the program

Date of Ist brings to your attention the deposit to technologies of converting of data ArcGIS - TAB Reader allowing to convert TAB files into the formats supported by ArcGIS. TAB Reader represents the add-on connected module to the ArcGIS system which is intended for direct data reading in the MapInfo TAB and MIF/MID formats in ArcGIS with preserving of the existing rendering, properties of reference designations and information on a coordinate system set in the TAV format.

TAB Reader allows to convert TAB characters into a legend of ArcGIS and .lyr files and also to import work sets of MapInfo (.wor) to documents of the ArcMap (.mxd) card and also to export data from ArcGIS to the MapInfo TAB format.

Main Features

  • Support of attributive data

TAB Reader allows to read and transfer directly attributive data to ArcGIS without loss.

  • Support of data with simple geometry (points, polylines and polygons

With TAB Reader help the simple geometry from files of the MapInfo TAB and MIF/MID format can be easily transferred to ArcGIS.

  • Support of text data

TAB Reader supports text data of the MapInfo format and allows to convert them into the formats supported by ArcGIS easily.

  • Preserving of a coordinate system

The data of the MapInfo format converted into ArcGIS using the module TAB Reader completely save an original informatin about a coordinate system (a space binding).

  • Support of space indexes of the TAB format

TAB Reader will recognize space indexes of the TAB format during the work with TAB files in ArcGIS.

  • Support of initial properties of rendering and reference designations of data of MapInfo TAB

Unlike the module ArcGIS Data Interoperability the module TAB Reader will recognize the reference designations and properties of a coloring set and saved in MapInfo TAB files.

  • Export of data from ArcGIS to the MapInfo TAB format

TAB Reader allows to export data from ArcGIS to the MapInfo TAB format. At the same time the corresponding accompanying work set (.wor) can be also created.

  • Import of work sets of MapInfo

TAB Reader allows to import work sets of MapInfo (.wor) to documents of the ArcGIS (.mxd) card.

  • Export of TAB of characters to files of a layer (.lyr)

TAB Reader allows to convert TAB characters directly into files of a layer ArcGIS (.lyr) and to process several data sets at the same time.

  • Loading of TAB of characters

The data loaded into ArcGIS in the TAB and MIF/MID formats can be converted into other formats supported in ArcGIS.

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7

ArcGIS Desktop 9.3/9.3.1/10.x (including 10.2)

See Also
