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TPU: Artificial vessels

Developers: Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
Date of the premiere of the system: Nov 2022
Branches: Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare

2022: Russia has learned to make artificial vessels from domestic materials

In November 2022, the Tomsk Polytechnic University announced the creation of a unique multichannel electrospinnig system designed to make artificial blood vessels. With its help, you can obtain vessels from domestic polymer materials.

According to the developers, such artificial vessels are not only cheaper than foreign analogues due to the use of domestic raw materials, but also more accurately imitate the internal organization of a blood vessel, as well as its behavior in the patient's body.

Tomsk Polytechnic University announced the creation of a unique multichannel electrospinnig system designed to make artificial blood vessels

For the manufacture of artificial vessels, the electrospinning method is used. The peculiarity of the installation is that in real time you can control the properties of the composite being created. And, therefore, control the internal structure and properties of the implant itself.

As explained by the project leader, researcher at the Engineering School of Nuclear Technologies of TPU Evgeny Bolbasov, the developed technology allows the manufacture of artificial vessels with a diameter of 1 to 40 mm. This makes it possible to create not only large main arteries with its help, but also small veins. At the same time, products are not inferior in their quality characteristics to vessels of American and French production, which today are considered the gold standard. In addition, with the help of our installation, it is possible to make not only vessels, but also other implants in the form of a conventional tube: artificial bile ducts, ureters, larynx, trachea, he said.

The material for future implants may be either biostable polymers such as fluoroplasts or bioresorbable polyesters such as polylactic acid or polycaprolactone. At the same time, the installation makes it possible to form a complex composite from such polymers, unique both in chemical composition and in spatial organization.[1]
