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Taxonomy: Optimining (formerly OwnRM)

Developers: Systematics, LLC
Date of the premiere of the system: 2022/06/09
Last Release Date: 2023/04/03
Technology: BPM,  Data Mining,  OLAP


The main articles are:

2024: Compatible with Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7

Systematics and Astra Group confirmed the compatibility of the Optimining Analytical Business Process Monitoring System version 1.2.2. and operating system Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7. Based on the results of tests conducted within the framework of the Ready for Astra technological partnership program, a certificate was issued officially confirming the performance and correctness of the joint functioning of products as part of a single stack. About this "Systematics" reported on July 16, 2024.

Both decisions are entered in the "Register of Russian Software." Verification of compatibility significantly expands their scope: they are suitable for customers who seek technological sovereignty and achieve a high level of information security. For example, Optimining running Astra Linux can be used at major industrial enterprises, including high-risk facilities: oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical and other production.

Our task is to build the missing technological stack, which for many decades was created on the basis of foreign products. This is especially needed by state, industrial and financial companies, the largest telecom operators - that is, our key customers. To help them, we train our specialists to work with Russian products and build strong partnerships with the best vendors, one of which is Astra Group. Confirmed compatibility of our products is an important step in achieving our common goal, "said Alexander Lishnevsky, Head of the Directorate for Work with Banking Structures of Systematics LLC.

The compatibility of the Optimining business process monitoring and analysis system with the Astra Linux operating system opens up new horizons for improving the efficiency and security of corporate environments. This combination gives our customers the key to creating a stable and flexible infrastructure that can adapt to constantly changing business requirements and ensure the continuity of critical processes, while maintaining a high level of data protection, "said Alexey Trubochev, Director of Support at Astra Group.


Inclusion in the register of Russian software

On December 25, 2023, the Systematics company announced that Optimining, a system for monitoring and analyzing business processes of enterprises of the Process Mining class, was included in the register of Russian software No. 20433.

Optimizing is a Process Mining class solution designed to analyze and improve business processes based on knowledge about their structure and behavior extracted from event logs generated by information systems. The solution allows you to quickly get a picture of how processes are performed and identify areas for optimization. Optimining has a built-in set of tools for in-depth analysis and monitoring of processes in real time.

The inclusion of Optimining in the register of Russian software confirms the technological maturity of the system, and also opens up new opportunities for its use in large enterprises in highly competitive industries with extensive business processes - production, finance, logistics, retail. Optimining provides companies with the ability to analyze and improve their operations based on objective data. This creates an opportunity for more effective resource management, increased productivity and, most importantly, for the innovative development of companies and the entire economy as a whole, "said Alexandra Shishlova, analyst at the Center for Competencies of Management and Monitoring Systems at Systematics.

The Optimining System Development Project was implemented with support RFRIT and belongs to the priority area of ​ ​ support for the "Systems for collection, storages processing, analysis, modeling and, visualization of data arrays among other things, in terms of systems." business analysis Financing was carried out within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "."Digital economy of Russia

Finalizing Optimining Development

The company "Systematics" successfully completed the project on the development of the Russian analytical system for monitoring business processes of enterprises of the Process Mining - Optimining class. The project was implemented with the support of RFRIT, funding was carried out within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia." About this "Systematics" reported on October 3, 2023.

We have created a software product that can replace foreign software of a similar class and create tangible competition for domestic solutions. By the beginning of development, Systematics already had many years of experience in implementing Process Mining solutions, our experts had knowledge of the most popular functionality, advantages and disadvantages of the solutions on the market. This baggage of competencies helped us create a high-quality and competitive product. The Optimining system has one of the best price/functionality ratios on the market, which will allow it to be implemented not only by large, but also by medium-sized businesses interested in optimizing their business processes, - commented Ruslan Tukmakov, Deputy Head of the Competence Center for Management and Monitoring Systems of Systematics.

The key differences before Russian and foreign analogues are: a large set of tools and built-in functions for process analysis, predefined models for predicting further process steps, the presence of APIs for the system for integration with other information systems of the enterprise.

Development of analytical system for monitoring business processes of enterprises of the Process Mining class

The company "Systematics" on April 3, 2023 announced that it had completed the second stage of the project "Development of an analytical system for monitoring business processes of enterprises of the Process Mining class" Own RM. " The solution is called Optimining and the basic functionality necessary and sufficient to analyze the business processes of organizations.

As part of the second phase of the project, the main work was carried out on the development of Optimining functionality, which provides knowledge about the structure and behavior of the process from the event logs created by information systems during operation.

Optimizing functionality answers the following questions:

  • How do processes actually work?
  • How does each site work - office, employee, system?
  • What needs to be changed to increase productivity?
  • Who gets around the rules and how?
  • What happens to each specific process instance?
  • The degree of deviation from the ideal route, the reason for the deviations?
  • How did the changes affect the process metrics?

The main functionality of the Optimining system includes:

  • Restore and display the actual process map (process graph);
  • Visualization of various process KPIs in the form of tables and graphs;
  • End-to-end data filtering based on both process steps and the various attributes of the object in question;
  • Calculation of process time indicators using different work calendars;
  • Visualization of the process steps in different sections (in the section of systems, subdivisions, etc.);
  • Uploading data in various formats (excel, csv).

The project belongs to the priority support area "Systems for collecting, storing, processing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing data arrays, including in terms of business analysis systems (BI, ETL, EDW, OLAP, Data Mining, DSS). The Optimining system is being developed for operation in the customer's secure loop (On-Premise format), and a cloud version will be implemented in the future.

The project is being implemented with the support of the Russian Information Technology Development Fund. Financing is carried out within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy of Russia."

2022: Launch of the project "Development of Analytical System for Monitoring Business Processes of Enterprises of the Process Mining Class" by SvoyRM

On June 9, 2022, the Systematics company announced the launch of the project "Development of an analytical system for monitoring business processes of enterprises of the Process Mining class" SvoyRM. " As a result, it is planned to create a software product that will have full functionality and can replace foreign software of a similar class.

According to the company, the project belongs to the priority area of ​ ​ support for the "System of collection, storage, processing, analysis, modeling" and visualization of data arrays, including in terms of business analysis systems (BI, ETL, EDW, OLAP, Data Mining, DSS) and is implemented using funds from a grant from the Russian Information Technology Development Fund. Financing is carried out within the framework of the federal project "Digital Technologies" of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation."

The Russian analytical system Process Mining "SvoyRM" developed by OOO "Systematica," Using digital trace-based business process model recovery and analysis technology left in information systems, will allow building digital twins of enterprise processes, identify the actions of the process participants that led to a deviation of a particular indicator from the target values, Match source and output data, find and optimize process bottlenecks, redundant resources, and more. The proposed technology is applicable for optimization in various areas of activity: production and technological processes, sales, purchasing, service, payment processes, technical and technical development, etc.

In the context of the digital economy, the creation of the analytical system "SvoyRM" is aimed at optimizing the sustainability of the functioning and economic efficiency of the activities of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership through the provision of modern tools and methods for identifying and analyzing the actual state of business processes using domestic software.

The SvoeRM system will have full functionality and is capable of replacing foreign software of a similar class. Key differences and capabilities lie in the performance of the system due to the use of a number of technological solutions (optimization, data storage their caching), provision API to the system for integration with other information systems of the enterprise, the presence of a check of compliance with business process models, the presence of JDBC connectors and a convenient designer. dashboards

The SvoyRM system is focused on use at large enterprises in highly competitive industries, with a large number of extensive business processes, such as production, finance, logistics, retail, since the effect (including financial) is directly proportional to the number of processes and operations.

commented Alexander Lishnevsky, Head of the Directorate for Work with Banking Structures, Systematics Company

The SvoeRM system is being developed to work in the customer's secure loop (On-Anticipate format), and a cloud version will be implemented in the future.