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Technoserv of Gadgets

Developers: Technoserv
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/10/30
Branches: Information technologies,  Telecommunication and communication,  Trade,  Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: ITSM - Management systems for IT service,  SaaS is the Software as service

2019: Representation Technoserv of Gadgets

On October 30, 2019 the Technoserv company announced an output to the market of own product of management of cloud computing resources for software developers – the portal of test environments of Gadgets.


For October, 2019 for creation of a test circuit of each of enterprise information systems the separate pool of physical IT resources ("iron") is selected. Formation of environments of testing and development can take up to two weeks depending on complexity of tasks therefore not loaded environments stand idle during a latent period of a next round of tests so IT infrastructure is under-exploited effectively. At the same time making changes in test environments can slow down because of complexity of communications of divisions of development and testing with the divisions selecting infrastructure according to requests.

The product of Technoserv of Gadgets automates deployment of test environments in cloud computing infrastructure. It reduces time for preparation of technology resources and, respectively, terms of an output to the market of products or releases (Time-to-Market). Besides, the lack of need of involvement of big staff of IT specialists and fast release of computing resources due to virtualization reduce the total costs of projects of development and infrastructure. For example, economy of physical resources under creation of a test environment can make up to 50% thanks to high extent of their utilization.

The solution is deployed in a public cloud of Technoserv and is available as service. At the same time the basic configuration of the portal is provided free of charge – the customers using virtual capacities of a cloud of Technoserv can use the portal for optimization of management of already available cloud resources, or at the order of additional computing powers.

The basic configuration of Gadgets includes functionality of infrastructure management, creation and use of templates of test environments and virtual machines, automatizations of deployment of software on virtual machines, internal authentication and differentiation of user rights. Service differs in the simple interface, allows to create on in advance selected pool of resources stands with a necessary configuration "on clicking of the button" and does not demand special qualification skills from the specialists using the portal.

Further development of the portal of test environments will go in the direction of automation of deployment of the DevOps tools and management of them. In particular, tools will be available to the organization and carrying out different types of testing.

Besides, Technoserv gives an opportunity of completion and implementing solution under requirements and the customer's infrastructure, including integration with the available system of billing, a centralized system of security, maintaining magazines.

The portal of test environments of Technoserv can be interesting to banks, retail chain stores, telecom operators, software developers and startups – those for whom speed when carrying out development and software testing is especially important. The product is focused on customers of the most different scale – from small to the medium-sized and large companies conducting own development or owning industrial IT infrastructure. And the possibility of use of the portal as service allows as fast as possible and without costs for development to receive the effective management tool test environments in a cloud.

The main advantage of the solution of Gadgets is that it allows to release resources of IT infrastructure and to increase quantity of test environments without acquisition of the additional hardware. The first industrial product introduction in large financial institution showed that time for creation of virtual environments is reduced from 5 days to 10-20 minutes, and by creation of complex test environments – from 15 days to 30-60 minutes,
explained Mikhail Ivanov, the director of competence center of banking technologies of Technoserv company