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Teleperformance e-Performance

Developers: Teleperformance Russia & Ukraine (Direct Star) outsourcing call center
Last Release Date: 2014/12/12
Technology: Call centers

Social networks quickly turn into the new canal of customer service. The question consists not only in customer satisfaction and reputation of a brand, but also in establishment of dialog between them. First of all it is for this purpose important to build close interaction with clients. Service of e-Performance - the solution for work in social media which is an additional method of feedback from consumers.

e-Performance is the complete solution among contact centers on customer service which main objective - maximizing results from work with social media. Along with implementation of service of e-Performance, "Teleperformance" created the unique platform of customer service allowing to integrate all communications of the company and to give a full client support, using voice and not voice channels, helping them with the choice of products and services.

e-Performance consists of three blocks which can be combined: the customer can select both to select everything, and to stop on one of them. The first - monitoring of social media, opinions, responses and impressions concerning a specific subject, a product or a brand: fixing and classification of all references on social networks, preparation on this basis of the report for the customer of the company. The second block – the analysis, deeper, than monitoring of social media which includes reconciliation of the acquired information with data from other channels, for example, of the strategy received by call center and development further and the action plan. The final third block – direct customer interaction within social media in all directions – posts, messages, responses, comments.

"Often clients share disappointment concerning negative consumer experience much more often than positive result. Social media are so powerful tool that distribution of the negative information on this channel is capable even to hurt reputation of the company, – Mertens Mishel, the CEO of Teleperformance Russia&Ukraine company noted. - Recognizing the growing influence of social media in structure of modern communications of "Teleperformance" creates the corresponding hardware of contact centers and develops new services for the customers. The product e-Performance is the ready-made solution for customers who want to understand the audience of clients and to build productive communication with them within social networks and to increase the loyal brand attitude. In addition, use of advanced technologies is able to afford to reduce the total cost of ensuring work of contact center".

2015: The contact center of Teleperformance received the certificate

On November 24, 2015 the Teleperformance company announced completion of certification of Teleperformance company by 17 divisions – the international outsourcing contact center.

Cover of the certificate of SSO Verego (2015)

Certification is carried out by five criteria of Standards of Social Responsibility of Verego (SSO). The divisions of Teleperformance which underwent Verego certification are located in Greece, the USA, Colombia, India, Turkey, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Costa Rica, Brazil, Morocco and in Russia. Teleperformance underwent full certification by all five parameters of SSO Verego:

  • "Leadership" - commitment of social responsibility with emphasis on customer focus;
  • "Ethics" - the organization of procurement processes of goods and services;
  • "People" - protection of human rights and the organization of jobs of employees;
  • "Community" - the involvement into public work and investment into regions of presence of the company;
  • "Environment" - rational use of natural resources and beneficial effect on the environment.

For passing of certification of SSO Verego Teleperformance toughened the quality requirements of the provided services guaranteeing the decent salary to all employees participating in process of purchases. In addition the qualification questionnaire of the supplier regulating activity of workers in the field of social responsibility and increased requirements in the field of the labor law is developed for increase in efficiency of specialists.