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Thales SafeSign Authentication Server

Developers: Thales e-Security
Technology: Cybersecurity - Authentication

SafeSign Authentication Server is the software for centralized operation by strict authentication of users, applications and channels of access. SafeSign considerably facilitates process of strict authentication and is suitable even for the enterprises with the most strict requirements to it. In the program the mechanism of the centralized reservation and management of different methods and devices of strict authentication is also implemented. SafeSign helps the companies at the minimum efforts spent for integration and maintenance of a system to provide optimum level of security of each application.

The server of authentication SafeSign supports different methods and devices of authentication: mobile tokens, tokens of the OATH standard, PKI map, certificates of software, USB tokens, tokens of Vasco and ActivIdentity, authentication according to the EVM standard, smart cards, the configured tokens based on an algorithm Triple DES, the ciphered passwords.

Possibilities of SafeSign

  • Allows to protect at the same time several applications;
  • Simplifies application integration and their interaction with each other using the most rasprosranenny application interfaces (API);
  • Simplifies procedures of audit on a possibility of unauthorized access;
  • Provides the highest degree of reliability and performance in combination with scalable flexible architecture.

Security functions

  • The server for strict authentication and signing of transactions uses the broad range of technologies for hardware cryptographic data protection of transactions for business applications;
  • Audit of unauthorized access guarantees not denial of the executed transactions;
  • Acting as the Radius-server, provides reliable two-factor authentication for remote access of employees.

Advantages of SafeSign Authentication Server

  • Support of all most widespread standards and means of authentication, including third-party producers within one server;
  • Licensing without restrictions for the number of users;
  • The thought-over combination of the supported standards to multichannel architecture provides compatibility and support of a set of different network applications;
  • The flexible server architecture with load distribution guarantees the highest performance level and reliability;
  • The server based on the existing standards with the open interface API facilitates integration with the existing and newly created business infrastructures;
  • The flexible scalable solution allows the organizations to increase the existing security system without need to be spent for other solutions on authentication.