Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The situational center for monitoring of infrastructure of FGC in Moscow

Developers: Russian corporation of means of communication, Russian Telecom Equipment Company
Branches: Power
Technology: Situational centers

The Russian Corporation of Means of Communication (RCMC) created by request of Federal Grid Company of the Power pool system (FGC) the pilot situational center for monitoring of infrastructure of FGC in Moscow.

It will be started at the beginning of 2011, and further the FGC is going to organize network of such centers for the whole country. The director of telecommunications and information technologies of JSC FGC UES Gurevich Dmitry at the IT in Power — 2010 conference told about creation of the situational center: "Russian Telecom Equipment Company creates the pilot situational center for FGC in Moscow. On its example we will define how many such situational centers are necessary for the whole country".

"The situational center is a technology Complex Plus communication with all objects of FGC. It is a point for monitoring of network", - Dmitry Gurevich explained to the reporter of ComNews. He noted that the project is implemented under patronage of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Sechin who emphasized recently need to increase reliability and observability of objects of the energy sector. The First Deputy CEO of Russian Telecom Equipment Company Badalov Andrey noted that Russian Telecom Equipment Company does such centers for the enterprises of fuel and energy complex. "It is command center the organization, in it all information flows which go from the different systems are concentrated. The center is engaged in monitoring of technology, financial, organizational processes, - he explained. - On the other hand, it is the center of crisis management, it executes a role of operational staff at any technology accidents".