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Timebook autoplan

Developers: Timebook
Date of the premiere of the system: 2019/02/08
Branches: Trade
Technology: Time recording

2019: Release of the solution

On February 8, 2019 the timebook IT company, the resident of Skolkovo Foundation, announced retail companies release of the solution for automatic planning and replanning of working schedules of employees. When planning changes a system considers load of retail chain stores at the specific moment and also working schedules, holidays and sick-lists. The "smart" solution timebook autoplan, according to the developer, will allow retail chain stores to save from 10 to 15% of wage fund due to more exact forecasting of necessary number of employees in each shop.

According to Institute of labor resources in Kronos Incorporated, from each 10 hours of the paid work of the employee of shop more than an hour it is wasted because of the wrong distribution of personnel resources. Besides, nearly a half from more than 800 participants of global poll of Kronos – representatives large retail networks – were recognized: it is difficult to them to resolve administrative matters and to build optimal schedules of working shifts because employees often work in additional changes and overtime, or unplanned are absent in a workplace.

According to the developer, the system of autoplanning timebook autoplan helps HR departments of retail networks to manage the personnel potential more effectively: build the exact plan of diagrams of personnel in each outlet of network, proceeding from a sales history, a consumer flow and other data on business.

The solution is constructed based on artificial intelligence and analytical tools which allow to process huge arrays of unstructured data about employees and shops of retail chain stores. "Smart" algorithm timebook unloads data for 2-3 years from CRM, ERP and others accounting systems about sales, a flow of buyers, marketing campaigns and also other factors which can affect need of increase in number of personnel for outlet. A system analyzes and compares all these indicators to find in them unevident patterns. For example, it allows to detect dependence between a flow of buyers and such factors as weather conditions, the carried-out marketing actions, seasonality and even visual merchandising, noted in timebook.

Calculation is conducted for each 5-15 minutes – it helps to understand what volume of work will be during every period, and in connection therewith to build the optimal working schedule for a command. Managers cease to build standard circuits on 25 people on change daily and see in what of days it is necessary to call 27 employees and when it is enough of twenty. At the same time the accuracy of the timebook autoplan system depends on the number of the processed data and can reach 97%, the developer claims.

"According to the estimates of analysts, only 12% of the organizations are capable to predict manpower requirement correctly. The rest for this purpose lacks experience, time or technologies. The product developed by timebook does planning process and distributions of personnel resources transparent and natural to managers and HR specialists. Thanks to a user-friendly interface and also simplicity of planning of diagrams, the IT system allows to keep track in real time of unplanned absence of the employee in a workplace and to quickly re-plan working shifts. Managers retail company can increase performance of a command and save wage fund for 10-15%".

As noted in timebook, development of the system of autoplanning of diagrams of employees – an important stage on the way to creation of the complete solution timebook in the field of workforce management. The uniform IT environment of timebook will integrate instruments of biometric identification of employees and control of their presence in a workplace and also a time keeping system of employees. It will allow to manage effectively the personnel throughout all workflow.