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Trusted Java

Developers: Digital technologies (Trusted)
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: Cybersecurity - Means of enciphering

The Trusted Java library gives the chance to use cryptographic transactions in Java applications on the basis of the certified cryptoalgorithms. Trusted Java represents a set of the cryptoalgorithms implemented according to requirements of architecture of JSSE and JCE.

During the work with the banking client-server systems, corporate portals and other business applications written on Java support of enciphering, the electronic digital signature, strict authentication according to provisions of the Russian legislation is required. Trusted Java allows to use the Russian cryptoalgorithms in Java Wednesday for ensuring work with digital certificates, creation and check of correctness of the electronic digital signature and data encryption.

Besides, Trusted Java provides support of the protected interaction under the TLS protocol using the Russian cryptographic algorithms. It gives the chance to set safe Internet connections and to provide wire level protection (data encryption, authentication of 'client' and 'server' and integrity of messages) at accomplishment of cryptographic transactions.