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UAZ Patriot

Developers: Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAP)
Date of the premiere of the system: September, 2019
Branches: Transport

2019: The announcement of the updated SUV

At the end of September, 2019 the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAP) announced the updated Patriot SUV. He received the Connected Car system which includes the built-in telematic functions and online services and also mobile application.

The C-Cars company was engaged in development of Connected Car. The device is inserted into the CAN bus and works, using the module "ERA-GLONASS". Data are processed in a cloud service of Squadron.

A telematic system allows to start and kill the engine through mobile application, to learn fuel level in a tank and location of the machine and also to obtain data on technical condition of the SUV and style of driving of the owner.

The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant (UAP) announced the updated Patriot SUV

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta with reference to the deputy CEO for marketing and sales of UAZ LLC Sergey Travkin, Connected Car is going to implement also in commercial transport.

The functionality of the platform will allow to integrate "smart" trucks UAZ of Pro into different ecosystems of online services, to transfer information on a status of cars to dealers, to manage work of vehicle fleet via own web portal. It will reduce operating costs of vehicles, minimizes idle times and will increase efficiency of business processes — he told.

The car maker is going to expand the list of technologies in the machines. At the end of September, 2019 UAZ issued the patent for rear-view mirrors with the built-in camera of the circular overview.

Serial production of "smart" Patriot SUVs will begin in the fourth quarter 2019. Afterwards UAZ is going to install the Connected Car system for already released cars.

The telematics will be established at first on Patriot with an automatic box. The cost of model begins with 1,034,000 rubles, however this price is specified without Connected Car.[1]
