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UIC: Implant Coating

Developers: University of Illinois
Date of the premiere of the system: May 2023

2023: Product Announcement

On May 5, 2023, American researchers at the University of Illinois (UIC) at Urbana-Champaign announced the development of an advanced coating for orthopedic implants that helps in the fight against infections and prevents excessive mechanical loads.

Scientists say that the use of bone implants is fraught with two difficulties. One of them is the possible ingestion of harmful bacteria into the body, the second is the likelihood of damage to the device during a person's daily life. Each of these problems affects up to 10% of patients with orthopedic implants. And this means that such people may need to undergo repeated surgery, which significantly impairs the quality of life and increases the rehabilitation period.

UIC scientists report on development of advanced orthopedic implant coating

Existing antimicrobial coatings for implants typically use antibiotics and other substances that are released after the device is installed, the researchers said. But such drugs have a limited duration and can have a negative effect on nearby tissues. Experts have proposed a different approach. They applied an array of nanostals to the thin foil: when a bacterial cell tries to attach itself to the implant, such microneedles pierce the cell wall, destroying it. This helps the product to take root in the body.

On the opposite side of the foil, the project participants placed highly sensitive flexible sensors to track deformation. An alarm may be raised if the metrics are out of range. The researchers state that their development will help doctors track patient recovery dynamics, form the most effective rehabilitation program, and minimize the risks associated with the installation and subsequent use of orthopedic implants.[1]
