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VK Testers

The name of the base system (platform): VK Cloud Universal Cloud Platform for Digital Services Development (formerly VK Cloud Solutions)
Developers: VK (formerly Group)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2023/01/12
Technology: TMS - Test Management System

VK Testers is a program that brings together a large community of beginners and experienced testers (data for January 2023)

2023: Opens access to the VK Testers Beta Program to identify bugs and speed up the process of bringing a product to market

On January 12, 2023, VK announced the opening of access to the VK Testers testing program to all companies.

VK Testers - beta program -testings Vkontakte is available service as a platform VK Cloud for all developers. It allows you to find errors that did not reveal in the previous stages of testing, and speeds up the process of bringing the product to. market Previously time , only the VK team had access to the experience, tools and community formed for the existence of the program - now any business can use the features of VK Testers.    VK Testers allows you to quickly check all user scripts in real conditions on different equipment and receive feedback from a community of 30 thousand testers. The program helps to improve product performance and user experience, fix bugs and refine the interface.

This cloud service expands the capabilities of the full-time department of quality engineers, reduces the burden on company employees and testing costs. In order to check the performance of the product, you do not need to buy and maintain a fleet of devices.

All practices that are offered to the market, VK first tests on its own products. VK Testers is no exception. The company developed a program to solve the internal tasks of its services - prompt testing of products in real conditions and collecting feedback. Now the capabilities of the program have become available to all users of the VK Cloud cloud platform,
told Dmitry Lazarenko, Product Director of VK Cloud.

How VK Testers works, the VK Testers client fills out a task for testers and grants access to the beta version of the product. Community members perform them and provide feedback. If necessary, you can increase the coverage of the number of testers and scenarios being tested, scale the load, and change the parameters of operating systems and devices. 

As a result, the customer receives a report on the convenience of products found by defects vulnerabilities and errors in UX design. The service ensures confidentiality and: safety data the code is reliably protected, the result is seen only by the developer who initiated the testing.