Developers: | Veeam Software |
Date of the premiere of the system: | October, 2014 |
Last Release Date: | 2016 |
Technology: | Cybersecurity - Backup and data storage |
The Veeam Software company, the supplier of the innovative solutions providing data availability in modern DPC provided in October, 2014 Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE — the simple and free autonomous solution using which users will be able to do a backup of data from notebooks and personal computers working at Windows basis on internal or an external hard drive, in NAS (network storage) or Veeam repository.
Veeam proposes to IT community the independent free solutions solving real problems since FastSCP release — the first product of the company which is released in October, 2006. Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE integrates an extensive portfolio of the free Veeam tools, including Veeam Backup Free Edition, Veeam ONE Free Edition and Veeam Task Manager for Hyper-V which over 500 thousand professionals in the field of IT use.
"With Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE reservation of data from end devices will stop being a problem for professionals in the field of IT in the field of data protection as it was earlier — Timashev Ratmir, the president and the chief executive of Veeam noted. — We in Veeam consider that the modern DPC should be completely virtualized, but we also understand that unlike servers end devices will always remain physical media, and they need also reservation. Besides, if in DPC of IT structure still there were several physical servers, Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE will help to close this space".
At a backup of data with the help of Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE recovery on the same or durgy device after complete formatting and also recovery at the level of volume or at the level of files is available to the IT specialist. The tool is free and does not require use of any other products Veeam, however its integration with Veeam Backup & Replication will be possible only on condition of presence of the last at the environment. In this case the possibilities of page-by-page or complete recovery provided to Veeam Explorers for are also available Microsoft Exchange SharePoint, SQL and Active Directory.
"Most of suppliers would request for the tool with such level of functionality rather high price therefore the fact that Veeam provides it free of charge, can mean break for this segment of the market of data protection — Dave Simpson, the senior analyst of 451 Research noted. — It not invasion of Veeam into the field of data protection on physical media, but a great option for those clients of the company in whose DPCs there was a quantity of not virtualized servers".
Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE is the simple solution for data backup from the PC and notebooks working under management OS Windows. Installation process of the solution is so simple that users will have enough also a couple of minutes to begin work with the application that is also very easy. Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE gives the chance to create backup copies of data from workstations on external hard drives, in the shared network folders and in repositories of Veeam Backup & Replication. In case of a system exit out of operation, fault in operation of the hard drive, violation of integrity of files or their accidental removal to the user needs only several minutes for recovery of all necessary data. Moreover, Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE provides creation of an abnormal boot drive which can be used for elimination of the problems interfering start of the operating system, and even reset of the admin password set on the computer.
Whatever task faced the IT specialist: creation of the backup copy of data from the personal device, protection of the remained physical servers in DPC or data recovery in case of their loss on working notebooks in the small company, the new free tool from Veeam company will help to cope with it. Despite freeware distribution, Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE guarantees the same level of reliability, as flagman solutions of Veeam company thanks to efforts of nearly 20,000 users who took active part in beta testing of a product.
"Even in modern environments with their high level of virtualization the majority of computers are still physical devices for which it is necessary to create backup copies — the vice president of Veeam for product development strategy Dag Heselman notes. — And it is a serious problem. If to take into account that deliveries of devices running Windows OS exceeded a mark of 300 million ekzemlyar, it becomes clear that there is a lot of users needing similar protection. At the same time against the background of the explosive growth of number of solutions for ensuring data availability in the virtualized DPC protection of physical devices faded into the background. Now thanks to Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE IT specialists have a simple solution for data backup from the computer. Besides, this tool can be useful to those IT organizations which continue to operate not numerous physical servers in the DPCs".
Despite usability, Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE there is effective solution. The main set of opportunities for backup includes creation of backup copies of volumes and files at the level of an image and also convenient settings for planning. Recovery process also differs in big flexibility and does not require considerable efforts. The user can select one of several options of recovery, using the same backup copy at the level of an image, including recovery of an initial system status on the same equipment or on computers with other hardware configuration. Besides, existence of a uniform format of backup gives to users of Veeam Backup FREE Edition the chance to use Veeam Explorers for Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory, SQL Server and SharePoint at data recovery from backup copies of the servers created using Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE.
Users of commercial editions Veeam Backup & Replication for virtual environments VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V have an additional opportunity to use Veeam repositories for storage of the backup copies created through Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE and also on a centralized basis to control process of accomplishment of tasks of protection of workstations and to manage them directly in the Veeam Backup & Replication console. Such integration allows to expand scope of a number of usual opportunities (for example, advanced functionality of Veeam Explorers on recovery at the object level of applications, export of physical disks from backup copies and preserving them in the form of virtual disks of different formats, etc.) and to include in it backup copies of data from physical devices. At the same time the administrator has an opportunity to control availability of repositories of Veeam to end users using the access rights configured the politician.
"Data backup from workstations was a difficult task for a SMB segment and normal users — the head of research and development of IDC company Liz Conner says. — Releasing this new free tool, Veeam proposes the interesting and elegant solution as for the certain users aiming to protect the personal computers and for the companies with a small number of computers or several physical servers".
2016: Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.5
Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.5 provides opportunities which increase backup speed, expand possibilities of control over the implementation of tasks and the backup schedule and even help to protect backup copies of data of your desktop computer or notebook from the malware.
Possibilities of Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE 1.5:
- Protection against CryptoLocker for USB drives: Protect storages on USB drives from potential threat of CryptoLocker: they will be automatically disconnected after a successful completion of a task.
- Mailing of email notifications: For setup of the notification it is enough to enter the e-mail address, and you will obtain information on backup of the notebook, even without coming into the Control panel.
- Flexible opportunities of planning: You can set any scenario of backup of the device, having configured a backup task for a specific day of the week. The new logic allows to define also admissions of scheduled backup and executes additional backup after turning on of the computer.
- Complete backup: Create complete backup copies at any time and save them to any place through a user interface.
- Setup of the mechanism of backup: Faster backup at the level of files, more effective logic of an exception of files, capability of the admission of the damaged blocks guarantee that problems with equipment rooms or software will not prevent to perform tasks of data backup of the desktop PC or the notebook
- Veeam Endpoint Backup is compatible to Windows 10
Backup program capabilities
- The Veeam Endpoint Backup program offers two types of backup: at the level of disks (the device entirely or separate disks) and at the level of files. At incremental backup only blocks which changed after creation of the previous backup copy are copied. Thus, copying at the level of volumes becomes very effective when processing changes in big files. Backup program capabilities:
- Complete backup copy. Make the complete copy of your computer at the level of an image. The program automatically excludes unnecessary files from the backup copy: Basket contents, temporary files and swap files.
- Copying of volumes. Use copying at the level of blocks for separate disks or volumes of your computer (e.g., a system volume, volume with data, etc.).
- Copying at the level of files. You can set masks of names to select separate files and folders which need to be copied. Using the master who is built in the program you can quickly select standard system folders and personal files.
Following features of the Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE program allow to optimize the speed of backup of your PC or notebook running Windows:
- Flexible configuration. Using masks of names of files you can turn on in the backup copy or exclude from it separate types of files. Besides, it is possible to define storage life of the copy, to set the backup schedule and to calculate the file size of the backup copy.
- Planning. Problems of backup can be tied to certain events: to connection of storage of backup copies, blocking of the computer or leaving the system. At the same time you can limit backup frequency.
- Restriction on writing rate and data reading. Reduces a priority of problems of backup if resources of the computer are busy with other tasks