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Virtustream Storage Cloud

Developers: Virtustream
Technology: IaaS is Infrastructure as service

Virtustream - the supplier having DPCs on East and Western coast of the USA in Great Britain and the Netherlands. Virtustream developed own technology of a cloud platform to facilitate implementation of the difficult application software, as from traditional vendors of corporate applications, and purely cloud solutions.

Gartner specifies in 2014 that Virtustream can be attractive subject to purchase.

Strengths: Virtustream uses uniform architecture for servers in own DPCs and those that are available for her customers that gives the chance of consolidation (federation) of a set of clouds. The company has experience with SAP and last year received the direct investment from SAP America.

What should be considered: Cloud IaaS Virtustream includes self service features, but the company is really aimed at involvement of customers with the difficult business applications requiring assistance of professionals at implementation, and after that - services of management of IT. It is a good sight, however it limits base of clients for the company.

Virtustream Storage Cloud represents a global cloud platform of storage with the corporate level of reliability and performance along with scaling options on the global area network. Start of Virtustream Storage Cloud became result of developments of division of Virtustream, as a part of EMC company, developing the IaaS-platform of the corporate level for crucial tasks. The portfolio of offers of division was complemented with a full-fledged set of abilities to manage by services both for physical, and for virtual installations.