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Vityaz M

Developers: PC Transport Systems
Last Release Date: 2022/05/18
Branches: Transport

2022: Introduction of digital automated tram car control system

The 1520 Group of Companies announced on May 18, 2022 that it continues to integrate its digital automated tram car control system - it was installed on Vityaz M tram, the flagship of the Russian line of this urban rail transport.

The automated system was first tested on a KTM-type car on a switch in the area of Kursky the railway station and received permission to use it in. To Moscow Now we installed it on a Russian tram, which makes it possible to replicate our solution on such cars,
said Alexander Dmitrenko, deputy technical director of 1520 Signal.

Specialists of the ZHAT 1520 Division equipped the tram with onboard transmission devices, and the switch on its path with microprocessor receivers that send the control signal of the approaching car over the radio channel and automatically switch the arrow to the desired route. Thanks to the automated system, the speed of not only the tram, but also the entire traffic flow increases. The level of labor automation increases - the transfer of arrows does not require any action from the staff.

2019: Characteristics of the tram car 71-931 M

According to information for February 2019, the Vityaz-M tram car is a modernized version of the Vityaz 71-931 tram car. The Vityaz M car is based on a low-floor rotary elastic trolley developed and manufactured by PK Transport Systems.

Tram car "Vityaz-M"

According to the manufacturer, the modular principle of making a car with separate driver's cab and rear platform makes it easy to ensure variability of design. The car can be built both in the classic and shuttle versions with two cabins and a two-way arrangement of doors for working on routes without turning rings. It is possible to release three- or more sectional versions of the car.

Characteristics of the car:

  • Length - 27 500 mm
  • Width - 2500 ± 50 mm
  • Number of seats - 60
  • Passenger capacity - 185-265