Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Developers: Date of Ist (Data East)
Branches: Oil industry
Technology: GIS - Geographic information systems,  Satellite communication and navigation


About the program

WellTracking is the solution based on ArcGIS for visualization of 3D data and effective management of space data of drilling at the corporate level

WellTracking allows to automate all processes connected with management of space data throughout a production cycle, to trace and control all stages of boring process.

Increase efficiency of work with space data

Costs of time for processing of space data with WellTracking help considerably decrease, at the same time the quality of data processing only increases. The uniform base of space data simplifies interaction between departments and production units of the company.

Eliminate risks

The risks connected with a human factor: Hands-off processing allows to avoid data loss that guarantees their accuracy and relevance at any moment.

Technological hazards: The built-in control of a trajectory of a trunk and crosspoints and also automatic check on compliance to design data allow not to allow collisions with the existing trunks or violations of borders of the license area.

Receive the broad picture

WellTracking contains the broad and relevant picture of the events on all your fields and on all wells. All space data on your wells, including archive fund, are available to work, are provided to uniform formats and structured according to business to logic of your production processes.

Main Features