Technology: | Development tools of applications |
WhiteSource is a management system for an open source code in program projects on all lifecycle. More than 80% of developers use open source in the projects. The quality and security of the applied components directly influence an end product. The WhiteSource system is unrolled by on-prem or delivered as SaaS. Security is brought with a development speed due to embedding in all stages SDLC and integration with different repositories, the systems of development and assembly by software, bug trackers and the CI servers.
WhiteSource allows:
- detect open source components and all dependences;
- helps to select the most qualitative components;
- ensures safety of your software product regarding open source of components
- checks compliance of licenses of the open source components
- automates the reporting at release of releases on the components used by open source, all dependences and license agreements, risks and vulnerabilities of software.