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Wirano the Digital platform for the organization of clinical trials

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: PF Rus
Date of the premiere of the system: 2020/10/22
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: SaaS - Software as service,  Project management systems

Main articles:

2020: Wirano start

On October 22, 2020 the PF Rus LLC company announced start of the international digital Wirano platform – for the fast organization of clinical trials which will allow to communicate effectively among themselves to all participants of process: to pharmaceutical companies, doctors-researchers and patients.

The organization of clinical trials – difficult and long process. One of the main problems – ineffective methods and searching tools and selection of patients because of what a half of the planned clinical trials do not achieve effective objectives on set of patients in the stated terms, and up to 11% from them do not take any patient. Besides, to organizers of clinical trials it is often problematic to pick up the research center with reliable data on the previous experience and set of patients: there is no uniform base of the centers from the different countries, and with research commands there is no effective and reliable communication channel.

Wirano will allow to optimize process significantly: pharmaceutical companies (sponsors) will be able quickly to pick up research commands in the different countries, doctors – quickly to place information on clinical trial for patients and to begin set, and patients – in read minutes to find suitable clinical trial and to submit the application for participation in it.

Wirano represents the global cloud technology platform integrating personal offices of patients, doctors-researchers and representatives of pharmaceutical companies and contract research organizations which will be available in the form of mobile applications and web versions.

Over the project within a year the command works with more than 20 years' experience in area of clinical trials. Including founders of the project participated in creation of a number of the international projects, including the contract research organization (CRO) of Cromos Pharma and the company on logistics of clinical trials of COREX Logistics which are one of leaders in the market of the CIS and Eastern Europe.

The project went pre-seed through a financing stage by forces of the command and is in search of starting investors.

Now the architecture of the project is worked completely out, basic modules which pass test are created and also 2 international patents on key user interfaces are taken out. 9 more patents for different technical solutions are going to be taken out in 2021.

The module is developed for patients whose set will begin until the end of the year. In 2021 connection of the first sponsors and the research centers is planned. The next step – scaling and an exit to global markets. The existing representative office of Wirano in Ireland will be connected to this process.