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Higher School of Economics (HSE) (1C:Enterprise 8.3)

Customers: Higher School of Economics (HSE)

Moscow; Education and Science

Contractors: Portal-Yug
Product: 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Project date: 2024/10  - 2025/02
Number of licenses: 1000

2025: Implementation of 1C-based educational process management system

The Higher School of Economics, together with Portal-Yug, completed a large-scale project to automate the university's educational process. Corporate system "HSE.Reg," developed for the Tower on the basis of "1C: Enterprises," covered more than 1000 jobs in four geographically remote campuses. The solution is integrated with more than 15 auxiliary systems of the university. Operational management of the educational process is organized at all stages - from the enrollment of students to the GIA and the formation of diplomas to graduates. The system processes over 200 documents daily, records more than 55,000 students and graduate students, analyzes many reports. The preparation of documents for approval and signing through integration with the EDMS has doubled. This was announced on February 25, 2025 by 1C.


As reported, the Higher School of Economics is one of the largest universities in Russia. On the basis of the HSE, there are dozens of scientific institutes, centers and laboratories that conduct fundamental and applied research. HSE implements training at various educational levels - from the Faculty of Pre-University Training and Lyceum to graduate school and DBA programs. The university employs more than 12,000 faculty and researchers, with a total of more than 55,000 undergraduate and graduate students. More than 200 orders for the educational process are processed daily, reports are formed to the Moscow Social Register (MSR), data in [[Federal Register of Education and/or Qualification Documents and Training Documents|"Federal Register of Document Details on education and (or) on qualifications, training documents are uploaded "(FIS FRDO)]] and internal auxiliary systems of the university.

The educational process at the HSE was previously automated on the basis of an information system based on foreign software, the first version of which was introduced in 2006 and then actively refined. Over the years, the university's needs have expanded, modern services and systems have begun to be used (1C: Document Flow, MDM, HSE-BPM and many others), educational standards have developed, students have an Individual Curriculum (IUP), a Single Personal Account, expanded programs of internal and international mobility. There were requests for integration with State Information Systems. Over time, the maintenance of the system became more and more expensive.

The university management decided to introduce a modern educational process management system that would take into account all the needs and nuances of the educational process, such as working in conditions of virtually 100% individualization and support of their own educational standards. One of the main goals of the implementation by management was to reduce risks in the development of the system in the long term. The decisive role in choosing a product was played by the support of the import substitution policy, the domestic platform and its wide distribution in the domestic market, the availability of ready-made specialists, a reliable vendor represented by 1C. The system required to organize operational management of all stages of the educational process from the enrollment of a student to the GIA and the issuance of diplomas.

To implement the tasks, it was decided to develop its own software product on the 1C: Enterprise platform. At the start of the project, the HSE leadership set the following tasks:

  • Create a unified, reliable and adaptive system for new business tasks;
  • Use a domestic platform during development;
  • Enable the development and scalability of the system, including the expansion of its functions in the future.
  • Implement and modernize the current processes in the system, taking into account the analysis of changes from the educational unit.
  • Develop integrations with university accounting systems.
  • Phased replacement of the historical system to ensure continuity of the educational process.
  • Normalization and data cleanup.

According to the results of the open competition, the Portal-Yug company became a partner in implementation. The Software Product was called "HSE.Reg" (the international name of the university is "Higher School of Economics").

The system employs 1000 employees of the Tower: specialists from the Directorate of Main Educational Programs, the Directorate for Internationalization, the Center for International Student Mobility, the Directorate for the Development of Student Potential, the Center for Scholarship and Charitable Programs. HSE.Reg implements direct integrations with other university systems: 1C: Budget Institution Accounting, 1C: Payroll and Personnel, 1C: Document Flow, MDM, 1C: Migration Accounting, Vyshka-VRM, Education Document Verification Service, etc. - more than 15 key HSE systems and services.

The main results of the project:

  • The key tasks of managing the educational process have been automated: from enrolling a student to conducting a GIA and forming diplomas.
  • Direct integrations of HSE.Reg with HSE services help to avoid duplication of data and increase the speed of reporting (VPO-1 form, data in the Moscow Social Register, etc.). Sheets are uploaded from HSE.Reg to the Electronic Vedomosti Service, and student grades are loaded back. A two-way exchange was implemented with a master system for storing reference information about university employees, students, and contractors. Data on diplomas are uploaded to the Federal Register of Information on Educational Documents. Thus, about 70-100 thousand objects from more than 15 auxiliary systems of the university are loaded and unloaded into the system every day.
  • 20% faster document entry and data retrieval in the system. This was facilitated by the standard usability of 1C systems: photo of students, distribution of students by managers, a general log of orders with search and selection, storage of the history of orders by student, the ability to print orders or save them to a file. Managers now enter data into the system according to specific templates that minimize errors and inconsistencies. For example, TIN, SNILS, passport data, automatic case deviation. All reference information is stored in the student's card, when choosing a student in the order, all data in the document is filled in automatically.
  • Support for the legislation of the Russian Federation, which was absent in the previous system, including support for citizenship, and an address Federal Information Address System system, is connected.
  • Direct integration with the 1C: Document Flow system has accelerated the work with orders for the contingent of students by 2 times. From HSE.Reg to 1C: Document Flow, all orders for enrollment/deduction, transfers, vacations, etc., are transmitted back to HSE.Reg information about the status of the order and its approval is received. Thus, the manager works in one window mode, the order status data is updated automatically, without requiring manual entry and correction, as was the case in the previous system.
  • The system implements control over the correctness of the actions of system users, strictly regulates business processes, automated accounting of settlements with students (contracts and payments). All this optimized the work of users, significantly reduced the number of errors and increased the reliability of information.
  • The open source code of the system provides unlimited development potential, and the tools for team development allow you to adapt the system to many tasks at the same time, combining both internal and external resources, including different development teams.
  • As a result of the automation project, the HSE received a modern control system on the domestic 1C: Enterprise platform, with long-term developer support, which is as compatible as possible with the university's IT landscape.

Support and development of the system for February 2025 is provided by staff programmers at the Higher School of Economics.

The key feature of our project is a corporate system integrated into a common ecosystem on the basis of a single technology stack of the 1C: Enterprise platform. The HSE operates Document Management, Admissions Campaign, Accounting, Contracts and Human Resources systems on this platform. This approach ensured the unification of administrative processes, while earlier the tasks of divisions were solved in different systems operating on different technologies.

noted Dmitry Bondar, Senior Director, Digital Transformation